
Sunday 17 August 2008

My first blog post!

Well, this is my very first blog post!

Purely by chance a few weeks ago, I picked up a recent copy of ‘Magic Patch’ magazine (never come across it before!) It is dedicated to Veronique and her lovely Labrador, Jules, and is filled to the brim with the type of country crafts that are right up my street. I instantly started work on my own version of the ‘house’ sewing machine cover – see photograph above. It’s not identical, but it is similar and although it’s not quite up to Veronique’s standard, I’m quite pleased with it. Anyway, as a result of drooling over the magazine and then doing a general ‘Google’ search for Veronique’s website, I happened upon Jo’s ‘Home Sweet Home’ blog. How lovely to discover a whole blog community dedicated to patchwork, quilting and lots of my kind of crafts. Prior to this, although I had heard of a blog, I had no idea what one really was, and now I have my own!! The trouble now is that I’m spending even more time at my computer instead of at my sewing machine!!

I am in the middle of making my first quilt, which I started about a year ago and having attended a patchwork workshop to get me started on it, I was promptly told that I had chosen rather a complicated pattern for my first quilt (typical of me!! LOL) – the central panel of the quilt cover is a diamond pattern and it has been quite difficult to match the corners up – there are definitely some areas where I try not to look to closely!!

Now don’t ask me why, but what I really love making is rag dolls. I’ve made several and my favourite part is after I’ve made the doll body and I can get on to making the clothes. My least favourite part though is attaching the doll’s hair – if anyone out there has a secret they would be willing to share with regards to doll’s hair, I would be soooooooo grateful!! Above is a picture of my latest doll – her name is Millie.

I would love to hear from anyone out there – it’s really exciting to be able to connect with other like-minded ladies.


  1. Welcome to blogging Julia! Ohh so addictive .. but fun

  2. Hi Julia, welcome to blogland! I am warning you though it is very addictive and full of inspiration! Thanks for stopping by my blog Home sweet home. I am a big fan of Vero and Jules from Born to quilt in France and have purchased her BOM which is fantastic. I haven't started it as yet but it is a dream to have it finished as it is gorgeous. I have a list of favourite blogs that I love on my sidebar so feel free to check them out. I am sure you will as mezmerised as I am. Jo x

  3. Hello Julia. Thanks for coming over to me at Linden Grove. I am so glad that you also discovered Magic Patch with Vero and Jules. You have done a great job of making the sewing machine cover! I love the rag doll that you have made too!

  4. Oh I adore your sewing machine cover, its' beautiful! I especially like the "welcome" string, did you buy this or make it, its fab!
    Welcome to Blogland by the way, you're gonna love it.

  5. Welcome to blogging!
    Your sewing machine cover is wonderful,very unusual.

  6. Hi Julia, I found your link via Jo Jo in Aus - I was so inspired by this on her blog, that I had to track down this great magazine and have only got my copy today. I too love country even though it has been around for a while and use to paint country themes - patchwork and primitive go so well. You have done a great job of your sewing maching cover. Cant wait to get started.
