
Sunday 28 September 2008

Sew far sew good - sort of!!

I’m conscious that I haven’t posted for nearly 2 weeks, so thought I’d better post a quick note. The reason being that I’m undertaking the mammoth task of quilting my first quilt – ever wished you hadn’t started something??!! I know a lot of ladies have theirs professionally quilted and I did think about it, but then realised I couldn’t afford it, so it was either let it sit in a cupboard for the next 12 months until I could afford it, or have a go myself! I’ve decided I’m going to look upon this as a learning curve (quite a big one!). Until you try it, you can never imagine how difficult it is to man-handle a quilt this size (it’s about 88 x 82 inches) through a domestic sewing machine – it is so heavy. And the idea of doing free-motion quilting all over soon went out of the window, so I’ve, so far, quilted ‘in the ditch’ (not terribly accurately!) over the diamond pattern in the centre and then I may have a go at free-motion around the borders, but we will see!! It’s a bit puckered here and there on the back, but I’m sort of hoping that when it’s all finished and I put it through a warm wash cycle and tumble dry programme, it might just sort of do something miraculous to it and pull it altogether – I live in hope! I had to smile last Sunday, because, I sat down to start it in the morning, convinced that if I worked hard at it all day, I’d have it finished by the end of the day – OK, you can stop laughing – I got about a third of the way through it, so it’s Sunday morning again and perhaps I’ll achieve another third today – just can’t wait until it’s finished though!!


  1. I have given you an award so go and have a peep at my blog. Well done to attempt with the sewing machine at least you are braver than me I dare not use the sewing machine to quilt through all three layers incase I spoil it, so I hand quilt and hand quilting is not as bad as you think with practice it can be therueputic.

  2. Very pretty quilt! I am probably the worlds worst machine quilter. I absolutely detest it. I started a magic tiles quilt for my mom a couple of years ago and have so far only managed to quilt half of it.

  3. Keep at it. You'll soon have it finished.
    I machine quilt all mine on my domestic machine. It gets tricky but practise makes it easier.

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  4. Hi Julia, did you receive a copy of a dvd with your homespun magazine previously that is by Debra Louie showing how to machine quilt on a domestic machine? It is really good and I would recommend getting copy of it to watch. good luck with can be very overwhelming! Jo xo

  5. You go will get there and you will be so pleased with yourself....
