
Thursday 1 January 2009

Happy 2009!!

Well, I think I need to shake myself up a bit now in the New Year, as I’ve been rather idle over the holiday season! Even though the mind has been willing, the body has been very lethargic with regard to sewing. I have done a bit of hand quilting on a Christmas panel, but haven’t finished it yet – it should hopefully be ready for Christmas 2009!!! And I did make a start on a new rag doll; well, it’s a rag goose actually, but the neck was too long, so I shall have to have another go at it soon. Will show if and when I succeed with it. I can’t go anywhere today as I’m on call for work. I work in the law courts and emergency applications and breaches of orders have to be dealt with over holiday periods as and when they arise – what fun eh!! Still, the money is very welcome when I get it and that’s the only reason I volunteer for it – not because I love my work so much!! I don’t mind my job though actually, it could be worse.

Anyway, as I’ve no sewing pictures to show, I thought I would show you the view outside the front of my little house this morning – very cold, but very pretty. It’s remained below freezing even during the daytime, so we’ve seen in a very wintry New Year, whilst our friends ‘down under’ have seen in a very hot New Year - watched it on the BBC news last night. Does your TV down under show our frosty New Year on your news on the other side of the globe? Just wondered!

Looking forward to many new friendships through blogging in 2009.

Love and best wishes


  1. Happy New Year Julia! I love the frosty trees outside your home. I hope that you get loads of sewing done in 2009!

  2. Julia it has been very warm I have been swimming every day...Yes it has been very cold for you guys...not nice at all....Happy New Year

  3. I love the pictures outside your home. I love looking at the trees and bushes when they are all frosty. Thanks for visiting my blog and entering my give away.

    PS Where did you get your cute clipart?

    Karen in IN

  4. Happy New Year Julia,
    You have no idea how lovely those photos look. We are now home from our holiday and the weather is still hot but thankfully bearable.

  5. Happy New Year! Loved all the projects you have done last year and looking forward to seeing more this year!!
