
Wednesday 22 July 2009

Strawberry Bear!

When I was in one of my favourite fabric shops recently (one of a growing number!!), I noticed a really cute little teddy bear which had been made out of a small gingham check fabric - quite simple, but effective. So, duly inspired, I've been sourcing a pattern for a teddy and eventually found one in one of my books.

I've changed him a little bit by slightly exaggerating the size of the arms and legs................. and why the strawberry? Why not, I don't know, but it does look nice, and I always like my rag dolls to have something to hold ..... adds a little more interest! And if you had smellyvision, you would be able to catch the gorgeous whiff of cinnamon ... I've dabbed a few spots of cinnamon oil here and there on the fabric ...... mmmmmmmm, a lovely hint of country!! And the strawberries look good enough to eat too - the fabric ones as well as the real ones!

catch ya later!

Monday 20 July 2009

Heart and Home Quilt

Well, I've finally managed to make a start on my third quilt - I've been raring to get going on it for weeks now! The pattern (below) is called 'Heart & Home' – fell in love with it as soon as I saw it last year!!

............ it will test not only my patchwork and quilting skills, but also my ability to do appliqué! I've done the iron-on type before, but with this, I want to do the proper needle-turn appliqué ....... iron-on is fine for a wall-hanging, but as this is a quilt and will be washed (occasionally!), I think it needs to be sewn on. The pattern version has been made with a range of fabric called 'Madeira', but the shop had sold out of that when I bought the pattern, so I bought 'Wildflower Serenade' instead, which is fairly close to the Madeira range in its colours.
........... and here are the first three blocks completed

....... looking good so far!

Monday 13 July 2009

Back to work!!

Back to work today for me :0(

Still; no work, no money for fabric, and we can't have that can we? After a whole week off work, I have very little sewing to show.What with days out with family and friends, catching up with those little jobs I've managed to put off, having family over for dinner ....... and so on, it was Sunday before I sat down at my beloved sewing machine! But, eager to catch up a bit, I produced two things. Firstly, I made this with a charm pack I bought a few weeks ago. Wasn't exactly sure what I was going to do with it at first, but then decided a mat for my sewing machine would be a good idea - save me scraping the machine across my lovely pine table!

The fabric is from Moda, called '9' by Sanae - I really love the muted tones.

Secondly, I made this little brown bag from various scraps I had. I wanted something less cumbersome than the bag I use most days, which is big enough to carry the proverbial kitchen sink and often feels as though I am carrying a kitchen sink in it!! I made it with a very long strap so that it can go across my body and thereby leave my hands free for all that rummaging I need to do when I'm in a fabric shop!! It's just big enough for a mobile, purse, car keys etc. Not bad really!

I can't decide now though what I'm going to do next. Will it be one of the two quilts I have the fabric for, or my next rag doll project, or the BOM that I'm behind with, or, or, or ..... I just don't know. Time will tell!!

Anyway, that's it for now - I'm falling asleep at the computer!!

Bye for now peeps!

Wednesday 8 July 2009

A week off work ......

...... and I’m having a lovely time so far, even though it’s rained mostly: it’s simply great to have a break from the daily grind!!

I have finished some sewing, but I’m afraid I’m unable to show it yet as it’s a pressie for ....... oops, nearly let the cat out of the bag then!!! Will show it once it’s in the hands of Madam X.

Today I went to a lavender farm at Snowshill near Broadway in the beautiful Cotswolds. If you shut your eyes, take in the scent of the lavender and ignore the rain, you could almost believe you were in Provence in the South of France – I love to see a mass of lavender together and also love to have it hanging up drying in the house. There’s a nice little gift shop there where you can buy cut lavender (you’re not allowed to cut your own, which is a shame I think) and lots of lavender gifts.

Then we stopped off at the village pub for lunch .... as you do!! It’s not my fault if everything is served with chips is it??!! This is the village:

... it’s a proper ‘chocolate box’ English village, where the houses are all made from Cotswold stone – so attractive, although I don't think my photographs do it proper justice - it's very popular with tourists!

Tomorrow I’m off again for the day with a friend (don't know where yet, but will no doubt include chips somewhere along the way!!), and then I’m determined to get some more sewing in before I’m back at work next week!

Bye for now

Wednesday 1 July 2009

Quaint Old Tradition

..... just thought I'd show you a photograph of where I went to last Saturday afternoon with my good friend Sue. The Bournville Maypole Festival has been running for over 100 years and always takes place on the last Saturday in June (never quite understood that when it's called a MAYpole!!). It's held at the recreation ground within the grounds of the Cadbury's factory (only about 4 miles from my house - yum!! Can you wonder why I'm fat!!). It's always such a lovely day, especially if the weather stays nice, which it did most of the time - all the little girls in their pretty white dresses (except for the one little boy!!) dancing around the maypole. My aunt, who is now 75 years old, danced in the maypole when she was just a little tiddler!

There are also side stalls, craft stalls, a bit of a fun fair, exhibitions from youth military bands etc. and then the evening is rounded off with a firework display.

There wasn't any sewing crafts, but I did buy this:

which opens out into this

....... really lovely isn't it?

Apart from the fact that it's really nice, I bought it because I discovered that it was being sold by Trish, who is the sister of an old school friend and us crafters have to support one another don't we. The prices she charges are ridiculously low, but we all know what it's like trying to sell our crafts to anyone who hasn't a clue how long we labour over them - still, I think she made a reasonable amount on the day.
Anyway, I don't like to complain, but we are melting over here at the moment in the UK - we're never happy are we? We moan about all the rain and cold, but can't cope with the heat when we DO eventually get a bit of sunshine ...... or a lot actually - it's hitting 30 degrees in some parts and that's hot for over here - I know, we're just a bunch of wimps!!
Bye for now!