
Monday 14 September 2009

Haworth & The Brontes'

Well, I’ve had a very agreeable few days away with my lovely cousin, Pauline. We went to Haworth in Yorkshire – home of the Brontë sisters. I’ve been before, but Pauline hadn’t. However, it never fails to amaze me just how quaint and charming the village of Haworth is with its old, cobbled (and very steep!) main street, and many of the original buildings – wouldn’t like to walk down the road in the winter when it’s icy though!! It’s mainly there for the tourists these days and the buildings are, therefore, very in keeping with the Brontë period. My favourite shop is the Apothecary, which is where Branwell Brontë (Charlotte’s brother) bought his Opium! Now it sells all sorts of gorgeous bath goodies and old vintage style nik naks – really lovely! This is it here:-

And this is the very steep main street (one from near the top and one from the bottom):-

We visited the Brontë Parsonage Museum, which was home to the Brontë family from 1820 to 1861. And just down the lane is the church which the Brontë sisters’ father (Patrick Brontë) presided over.

My cousin thoroughly enjoyed her visit to Haworth ....... and here is a photograph of Pauline looking very interested in ........ umm, I can’t remember what now!!! I don’t think she'll mind her photograph being on my blog – she said she wouldn’t mind so long as she didn’t look daft in the picture - and she couldn't possibly look daft as she's so lovely - that enough creeping darling Pauline??!!!

This is a cobbled passage near the church taking you down to the main street (so full of old-world charm)

And this is the view from our hotel, which had spectacular views like this all the way around:-

I told myself that I wasn’t going to post a picture of me, but, what the heck – here I am – notice I’ve cut the hips and thighs off – I’m not so stupid you know!!!!

I managed to stick to my diet for the first few days away, but slipped towards the end of my stay and unfortunately, that’s rolled into today as well – I just couldn’t resist a cream cake whilst I was out and about – naughty, but nice!!!

I need to get back to my stitching me thinks ...... take my mind off food!!!


  1. It looks like a wonderful place to visit! You and your cousin don't look too bad either!!! x

  2. Hi, I stumbled across your blog somehow [I apologise for intruding!!!!!] I live in Skipton about 15 miles from Haworth and I really enjoyed looking at your pictures and reading your entry.

    I have only just started blogging - and mine is such a poor relation compared to yours, but if you fancy a quick look my blog is here:

    I hope to come across you again, take care, Rachel x

  3. These are fantastic pictures! It was great to see one of you too!
