
Monday 2 November 2009

Malvern Autumn Quilt Festival

I planned to blog yesterday, but I was having technical problems (sounds as though I know what I’m doing!!! LOL). Either AOL or Blogger was playing up – dunno which, but it seems to be behaving again now!!.

I was like an excited child on Saturday morning as I headed off with my friend Pam to the Malvern Autumn Quilt Festival; filled with anticipation of what goodies and inspiration awaited us! And it didn’t fail us. Wendy had pre-warned me to be ready to be shoved around, which I was a bit, but I did as Wendy advised ... and shoved back!! So, we had a lovely day and came home rather tired, but I was pleased with my purchases. I’m not going to bore you with heaps of photos – just a few of my favourites of the exhibition quilts. Note the first one – it’s a copy of the ‘Dear Jane’ quilt in reds’ blues & whites – isn’t it exquisite?!!

And finally one of my stash!! Fabric (5 metres in total), buttons, a hanger and Kim Diehl’s latest book, which I’ve been hankering after for a while!!


  1. The Dear Jane is spectacular. I find it interesting to see the different color combos that people have chosen to use in making this quilt.

  2. I can just visulaise you Julia, going through the crowds with your arms in position so your elbows are out making sure no one gets in your way-lol. I love that Dear Jane, of course in many years to come when I maybe finish mine it will be a gorgeous as that--yeah right!
    Loving your stash of goodies.

  3. I had major problems yesterday too - so shall we assume it was blogger? I love all of your fabrics - you are really very clever. I had missed your Haworth post, so I just had a quick catch up - so glad you had a lovely time. The Apothacary is an amazing shop - i love it too. Did you manage to find the "Souk"? I think that its like an Aladdins cave.xxxx

  4. Looks like you had a wonderful time, the pics of the quilts are amazing, love the dear Jane quilt!Thanks for sharing.

  5. Glad to hear you held your own with the 'shovers'! ;) Love you goodies, I have that Kim Diehl book too, very scrummy! glad you had a good time.

  6. Those quilts are amazing! Thank you for sharing! That's a very neat hanger yoke too, some are too fancy almost.
