
Friday 12 February 2010

Valentines and friends!!

Now, as a single person (for the 3rd time now!!), I wasn’t expecting to receive anything in the way of a Valentines treat. However, I was wrong, because when you’re lucky enough to have such wonderful friends as Wendy (The Quiet Room), then you’re not forgotten. When I found a card from the Post Office man the other day saying they had a package for me, I tootled off to collect it assuming it was a couple of DVD’s I had ordered from Amazon. What a surprise to find a big fat envelope from Wendy instead. And here are the contents of that lovely big fat envelope:-

Firstly, lots of lovely Valentines delights – a beautifully stitched ‘February’ pillow, heart-shaped bath treats, choccies (yummie), a very cute little teddy, a reel of ‘East of India’ ribbon (I love ‘East of India’ products), a metal heart ..... and did I mention the choccies ......

here is a close-up of the box of chocolates, but I’m not going to compromise myself by showing you a photograph of the inside of the box – after all, the ‘Sell By’ date is September 2010, so I thought “better to be safe than sorry”, and munched my way through them in about (let me think) 30 seconds – naughty, but oh so nice!!!

and as if that wasn’t enough, Wendy also sent me some belated Christmas gifts. A beautifully stitched ‘Silent Night’ pillow and a lovely ‘Jim Shore’ Father Christmas figurine. Wendy, in her naivety (poor girl) thought I might want to keep the Christmas treats wrapped until next Christmas – ha ha ha – AS IF!!!!

So, all in all, even though I don’t have any romance in my life at the moment, I do feel very cherished and lucky to have such a lovely, lovely friend.

Although I have said it privately to Wendy, I’ll say it here again – THANK YOU SO MUCH.


  1. Hi gorgeous, what a stunning bundle of kindness you received in the mail.Gosh Wendy is a sweetheart isn't she, just like you!!
    You know sometimes I think its so much easier to be single, less hassle at times (not that I would be without the old boy thought I suppose!!-lol)
    Happy Valentines Day dear friend,
    big hugs Deb

  2. What a load of lovely goodies. Hope you enjoyed your day. xxx

  3. Hey Julia, Glad you enjoyed your little surprise! You're a lovely friend who deserves a treat!
    Love Wendy x

  4. What lovely gifts you received from your friend Wendy.
    That must have really made your day.
