
Wednesday 26 May 2010

What I love about special BIG birthdays ......

........ is that they last for weeks – not just one day!!

It’s nearly 3 weeks since I attained the grand old age of 50 and yet this week I’ve received 4 birthday cards and today my third present – what fun!! This is the package of pressies I received today from my lovely friend Wendy:

A very pretty bag in reds and greens (Wendy’s first bag by all accounts, but I don’t know whether I believe her – LOL). It has a lovely bobble fringe around it .... and I love the way the handle comes together – tied together at the top! Next, is a lovely pin cushion – I love the fabric! A selection of co-ordinating fabrics, some Perle cottons and a sweet wooden sign – I think Wendy is saying that I’m simple or something like that, which isn’t far from the truth!! Thank you Wendy very much for your generosity - I love them all!!


  1. How lovely! Happy re-Birthday!!

  2. Cool pressies Julia,its is great spreading the time out after all isn;t it.
    hugs Deb
    P.S. ONe more to come soon

  3. how cool is that to still received gifts.. and they are all lovely!!

  4. Hi Julia,
    Soooo glad you liked your pressies, I really enjoyed making the bag, in fact I had some of the fabric left over so I've 'started' to make another one for Abigael!
    Happy late!
    Love ya wendy Xx

  5. Happy belated birthday Julia.
    You've received some lovely gifts.
    Everything is just lovely.
