
Saturday 17 July 2010


Well, I have achieved a little bit of sewing this week while I’ve been off work on leave, but not the sort I prefer to do! I had a small commission from a lady at work! The lady in question has a friend who is holding a garden party later in the month and wanted some fabric bunting to hang up around the garden. I’ve made 24 metres, which equates to 100 flags, double-sided though, so that's 200 triangles altogether. Quite easy of course, and it didn’t take too long to run up. So, this is what 24 metres of bunting looks like ........

and the next picture shows a small section of it hanging up around my kitchen ........

I’ve been a bit restricted actually during my week off due in part to the fact that my sewing machine packed up on me right at the beginning of the week - tragedy!!!!! So it had to go for a few days to the sewing machine doctor!! And secondly, because I’ve had this young lady to stay for the weekend ......

.... my aunt and uncle’s Bichon Frise, whose name is Rosie, and Rosie enjoys sitting very close to you a lot of the time, making it a little difficult to sew – still, she’s such a little sweetie and has a lovely nature.

Must dash now as my brother and SIL are coming to tea tonight, so I’d better start moving myself and get something prepared for later!!


  1. Gorgeous bunting Julia and Rosie is the cutest little thing.

  2. Oh you have been busy the bunting is great. I love your kitchen and the surround above your cooker. Rosie is very sweet,is your sewing machine better now? thank you for your comments they are very appreciated,enjoy the rest of your week end hugs Pat

  3. Lovely bunting and immaculate kitchen! If only I was so organised I could get so much more crafting done! I bet you really enjoyed looking after your cute companion!

  4. Hi Julia-LOVE the bunting fabrics, my girls would just love their mother to make something so cute:)

    You are too funny-you can be my buddy/long lost twin....too!lol!

    Unfortunately and with deepest regrets, I have no plans to getting back to USA-money done syndrome!lol! But who knows-hubs might feel like it next year-I can only but pray:))

    Blessings, Shazy x

  5. Just discovered your blog while visiting some others! Have enjoyed reading your posts and added myself as a follower!

    Carole x

  6. Love your bunting Julia,
    ...hey you! Are you trying to nab my separated-at-birth-sister- shazy .... lol! ? Ok, I might share her...only because she's sooo lovely! hehehe!
    Chat soon,
    love Wendy x
