
Saturday 21 August 2010

Festival of Quilts ... and a lovely day out!

Get your comfy slippers on girls, cuz this is a bit of a loooonnnggg one!!!!!!!!

I went to the Festival of Quilts at the NEC in Birmingham yesterday and came home thoroughly exhausted!! But what a great day. I met my hero (well, heroine I should say), Veronique from ‘Born to Quilt’ in France. Veronique is such a lovely warm, friendly person – I almost felt like a teeny bopper again meeting my favourite pop star .... how old!!! LOL. Anyway the first picture is of moi (impressed by my french eh!!) and Veronique – she looks great – but please forgive how awful I look. I said to Wendy last night in an email, that I re-joined Slimming World a couple of weeks ago, but crickey, there’s nothing like seeing a photograph of yourself to see how others see you:0( ........ Still, if I will insist on standing next to a very slim, attractive, french blonde lady, then I only have myself to blame don't I? Ha!!I must be getting older though, because years ago, there’s no way I would have displayed myself in this public way – love me or leave me though!!!!

By the way, Veronique's mystery quilt, which was hanging at the back of her stall, is much, much lovelier close up than seeing it in a book - fantastique ....... see french again!!!!!

I made several purchases from the ‘Born to Quilt’ stall, as it was simply the best one there! And these are they .......

... Veronique’s ‘Mystery Quilt’ book, which she signed, some beautiful wool fabric, and a really cute little snowman kit. I wish now that I had bought some of her lovely fat quarters, but I'd run out of money by then - I love her palette of blues, browns and red/pinks - lots of florals and checks - but maybe next time!!

.... and here’s the inside of the book signed!!!

Now whilst I’m name dropping – which I am!! I also met Lynette Anderson. I bought one of her patterns having bravely confessed to her that I have never actually got around to stitching any of her patterns, but she was still nice to me nonetheless and agreed to have a piccie taken with me – please ignore me again – sorry!!!

I bought lots of other lovely goodies too – naughty I hear you say, but nice .... and much better than a cream cake!!! LOL.

..... the latest issue of ‘Inspirations’ magazine, some Valdani threads, one of Lynette's patterns, a ball of wool (I’m thinking maybe rag doll hair here!), a gorgeous pineapple quilt pattern, a few fat quarters and one or three other things!!

Now if you look at Wendy’s blog (Wendy went on Thursday), she spoke to a lady on the journey home who had also been to the festival and hadn’t bought a thing ....... WELL, I had the same experience while waiting for the free shuttle bus to carry my weary legs back to the train station!! I chatted to a couple of ladies sitting on a bench, and they hadn’t bought anything!!! I had to compose myself before they saw the total look of, jaw dropping, surprise on my face (“what you’ve been there all day and not bought a sausage – is there something wrong with you????!!!!!”) I didn’t actually say this, but it’s what I was thinking – I think they must have been aliens from another planet!!!

Now, on to the exhibition itself, not too many though, as it’s never the same as actually being there is it? I have to show you this ‘Dear Jane’ replica though:-

.. it was perfect in every way - all stitched and quilted by hand over a 3-year period. I only know this because I happened to bump into the lady herself at Lynette Anderson’s stall – very precious indeed.

.... and I just loved the colours in this ‘Pineapple Plus’ Quilt – so much so, I bought the pattern – see above!!

... and this was the winner of the exhibition – flipping amazing it was!! If you look closely at the detailed pictures, you can see the fabulous 3-D effect of the flowers .... beautiful and a worthy winner.

Well ladies, if you’ve managed to get this far, thank you!

Tell me I'm daft, but I went to bed last night dreaming of exactly what it would be like to live in a little French village just down the road from ‘Born to Quilt’ !!!!!!!!!!!!!! .............. a poor existance probably, as I'd never have any money te he!!

Gosh, I think must be my longest post EVER!! LOL


  1. Oh lucky you ,my sister is there today and i should of been there too but with hubby only just out from 2nd chemo its impossible.To go to the show and not buy anything (impossible said in a french accent) if i go i like to have some pennies and always come home broke.I love what you brought and look forward to seeing what you make have a great week hugs Pat

  2. Sounds like you had a good day, I didnt go this year, but will be going to the one at Harrogate Show Ground next month. In the back of your picture with Lynette, there is a picture of a Christmas quilt that I have bought as a block of the month - havent started it yet, but will post when I do.

  3. OMG you look awe struck standing next to your ladies. You'll have to print them and frame them and have them sitting on your coffee table!!! lol All of your goodies are very impressive, can't wait to see them all made up-lol, no pressure hun.
    How could those women not buy anything, very sad.

  4. Thank you for taking me to the FoQ. I didn't get there, but love to see pictures.

    It looks like you did some fantastic shopping too.

  5. Hey Julia,
    Love all your goodies...looks like you were quite a good girl to me...:)
    Ok, so you went one better than me having your picture taken with! Wasn't she nice!? We're going to have to plan it better next year and go on the same day so we can meet up!
    Love ya Wendy x

  6. A lovely post Julia. I am so envious!!! I love the look of the mystery quilt book and the woollen fabric you bought. I bet I would have spent most of my time at Veroniques stall! I look forward to seeing what you make with your goodies.

  7. Hello, I write you of France, véroniqque Requena is my friend, me too I have make photos with her on my blog!!!! She(it) is adorable!
    Best regards marylin

  8. Hi Julia-thanks for visiting-I thought sure I was a follower and couldn't understand how I missed your post!lol! I am now:)

    Yeah, the show was great-LOVE all the things you bought-especially those wools!lol Born to Quilt stall was simply amazing-did you see the Amish pinkeep doll makedo? Just wondering, does she have the pattern of it in her first book??

    Loved your post, speak soon,

    Blessings, Shazy x

  9. Hi Julia,
    Thanks for sharing the photos!!! Wonderful post and like many others I love the wools you bought!!! I don't know whether you plan on making the mystery quilt but I'm almost done with the mystery quilt 2 and it is just gorgeous and it's gonna be a heirloom!
    have a great quilting time ;-)

  10. Hi Julia,
    it's Belen from Simply patchwork!!
    I have been looking at your blog, I see you have met Veronique, she is such a nice person, isn't she? I am also a big fan of hers. I met her in a course last June. And by the way, you look great in the pictures!!!
    I will visit you again

  11. Hi Julia: what a fantastic blog - there cannot have been many visitors to the Festival of Quilts who were not impressed with Vero's amazing Born to Quilt stand - and she herself is so delightful. Like a breath of fresh air. I am now about halfway through her 2nd mystery quilt - it is so much fun - I don't want to rush it as I am enjoying it so much. Her books are great too, I read them over and over again.
    Best wishes from a fellow Born to Quilt fan and fellow quilter - Angie

  12. Hi Julia - just love Born to Quilt and how lucky were you for actually meeting Veronica. Do yo know where I can get a copy of her book??

  13. Hi Dawnie: try Amazon, good price too!

  14. Hello Julia, thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment. I love your photo with Veronique and also the one with Lynette. I would love to see Veronique's quilts close up, one day!!! Your blog is fun, bright and funny! Have a lovely week. Ann
