
Saturday 11 September 2010

Devon Jollies and a finish!

I can now show you something I finished a couple of weeks ago (and gave a sneak peak of a little while ago) now that I know Deb has received her gift. It’s a bit of a cheek to call it her birthday present really, as this was for her 50th birthday in July, so it was a tad late – however, I think she has forgiven me and I think it brightened her day a little, as it arrived in the middle of the terrible earthquake they've had in New Zealand a week ago ... and are still suffering the aftershocks of!!! Anyway, I did a bit of cross-stitch and made a needle case and matching pinkeep ........

I have to admit being pleased with them, as I love the colours!

I’ve just come back from a short 'jolly' in South Devon, having had the opportunity to stay in the holiday home of an acquaintance. Although heavy rain was forecast, the sun shone practically the whole time and it was warm. These are the views from the back of the cottage:

......... need I say more!! The view was beautiful and very peaceful and I did have the opportunity to sit & sew for a while, but didn’t complete anything, as it was only a short stay and one or two trips were a must, including one to the beach in order to have fish & chips by the seaside – and if Wendy is reading this, that was the only slip from my diet – HONEST – it was a premeditated slip though!!!


  1. And I love all my goodies to pieces, they are beautiful. I will be doing a post as soon as things settle here a bit Julia. So pleased you had a wonderful break in Devon, yummy fish n chips, hope you enjoyed them hun-treat.

  2. Hi Julia,
    You make me and chips!... if only you new what I was munching on as I was reading 'you'!!! A great big gooey piece of chocolate brownie hot out of the!! Guess we're going to have to keep an eye on each other...hahaha! Loved your gifties for Deb, your stitchery is soooo lovely...really think you ought to make yourself a set...'punishment' for those fish and chips...;)
    Love ya Wendy Xx

  3. Beautiful presents Julia. You must have spent hours doing all that cross-stich work. The Devon scenes look glorious with the blue skies. I could eat a big bag of fish and chips right now!

  4. Your stitching looks gorgeous. So does Devon.

  5. You are such a talented stitcher-really lovely and glad you had a nice break away,

    Fish 'n chips? that's what hols are for!

    Shazy x

  6. What a lovely present for a friend.
    Cross stitich is one of my favourite crafts, it's so relaxing to do.........only problem is finding the time. You can't beat fish 'n' chips at the beach, yum!
    florrie x

  7. oh I am happy to visit your blog, embroiderings are superb to those with flowers j 'aime a lot! to read you on my blog in summer a big joy for me in very soon

  8. Julia, your needlecase and pincushion are absolutely lovely. You do finish things beautifully.

    I loved your photos of Devon. They brought back some lovely memories as we always went to Devon for our holidays when i was a little girl - always stayed in the same guest house and always drove to the same lovely villages...haha!
    Angela xx
