
Wednesday 30 March 2011

I just remembered ......

...... that I forgot (make sense!!!!??) to show you this

a cross-stitch needle/scissor case I made for my friend's 60th (don't tell her I told you!!) birthday in January. I mentioned it a little while back, but in a bit of a senior moment, had forgotten to take any photographs! But when my 60-year old friend (aren't I rotton!!) came for dinner on Saturday, she brought it with her so that I could take a few snaps - unfortunately, it was mid-evening, so the light isn't brilliant. This is the inside:

That's it for now - just a short one this time. I shall have something similar to show soon, as I'm working on another one (another pressie).

Thursday 17 March 2011

Say "Hi" to .........

....... 'BERRY' - my latest little fabric wonder!!!

She's quite whimsical/quirky looking isn't she? And are you thinking you've perhaps seen her somewhere before? Well, just scroll back up, - and there she is - the little lady on my 'Bilberry Grove' banner at the top of my blog. I've been meaning to make a rag doll to look like her for a long time.

And here she is too sitting in her very own chair - a 75p bargain from a second-hand shop recently. I'd been looking out for something for my dolls to 'pose' on while I took a photograph, so I was very pleased with this.

And get this:-

my own personalised fabric label - something else I've been wanting for ages and I recently found a web site I could order from!!

Now then, if you like Berry - here she is again ............ but this time, with her twin sister. I thought I may as well make two, while doing one.

And Berry's twin is up for sale if anyone is interested! £25.00 + postage and packing. But just in case anybody who purchased a 'Tilda' doll from me in 2009 thinks the price is a bit cheaper than Tilda was, that's because I haven't had to buy anything to make 'Berry' - she is made entirely from my stash, whereas I had to buy practically everything from scratch for the 'Tilda' dolls ..... sorry, just felt I needed to explain that point.

Anyway, if anyone is interested, email to discuss!

Saturday 5 March 2011

Confession time!!

It's just as well Wendy is such a lovely bloggy friend ..... and forgiving too, as I recently had to confess to her my guilty secret of out and out plagiarism!!!!! I hear lots of sharp intakes of breath, "how could she" I hear you say!! What happened was that I linked to Tanya's blog from a comment left on one of Wendy's posts and discovered the cutest Gingerbread doll dressed in pink that Wendy had made and sent to Tanya, (click on the link to see the original, and best by far, Ginger doll). Then realising I had some of the same pink fabric and the right colour felt, I couldn't resist having a go at making one. So here is my version of Wendy's little Ginger dolls:

Please note, ALL CREDIT FOR DESIGN GOES TO WENDY, not me!! And credit for her forgiving nature too LOL xxxxxx and Wendy is so modest, she didn't even put a picture of the one she made on her own blog ... can't say the same for me though eh!!!

Anyway, now that that confession is out (phew - doesn't it feel better to get these things off your chest??), and talking of Wendy, which I was (I should have called this post 'Wendy' shouldn't I really, instead of 'Confession time') I was going to show what I had made for her ..... firstly a belated Christmas pressie (very belated) is a Prairie Doll:

...... and secondly a birthday present - this cute little Cupid Rag Doll:

So that's the lot for now. I'm working on yet another Rag Doll - it's no use, I just can't resist making them, so I won't try (resist that is)!!

Till next time