
Tuesday 26 April 2011

Easter Bunny!

I didn’t quite manage to finish my latest project in time for Easter, but here she is anyway – better late than never! Introducing, Bunty, my Easter bunny

Look at those big eyes and those long droopy ears – isn’t she sweet? The pretty floral dress fabric is some that I had in a fabric sale from the USA and have wanted to use for a while now, and her big pink nose is made from a little bit of my wool stash – some I bought from the NEC last year from the Festival of Quilts. I think this is the first bit of the wool I’ve used (been saving it up for I don’t know what!).

I’ve decided not to put my Easter bits away just yet, as it would be a shame to shunt Bunty off into drawer so soon, so I’ll leave her out for another week .... or two maybe.

Well, I have an extra day off work today (yippee!!), but I must get on, as I have to go and buy paint for the new front door I shall be having fitted next weekend.


  1. Your easter rabbit is soooo cute. You done a wonderful job on it.

  2. Bunty is lovely and I adore the fabric of her dress. No! You can't put Bunty away just yet! I think she should atay on display all year long. x

  3. You just made me realise that I dint get any of my Easter decs down from the loft!!!! And no body noticed either!!! I adore Bunty - her fabric is gorgeous. x

  4. Hi again ;)
    My, you have been busy this weekend, bank holidays obviously agree with!
    Bunty is gorgeous, love her!
    Does all this sewing mean that you finished painting that garden fence ? ;)
    Love ya Wendy x

  5. Oh my Julia, Bunty is just too cute for words. You are absolutely right in keeping her out to enjoy spring.

  6. Your bunny is adorable. I had a bunny collection that I left out year round. People started giving me bunnies for gifts. It looked like I had a bunny farm. I still have a few special ones on display. I love yours and her beautiful dress!

  7. Julia, she is just the cutest little thing. Don't put her away at all, she would be lovely to look at all the time, such a sweet wee face.

  8. Oh Julia, Bunty is absolutely gorgeous! I don't think I could put her away at all, she would have to stay out all year round so that I could keep looking at her! :o)

  9. Hi Julia,
    You sure have been busy! What a telented doll maker you are-Bunty's face is just the cutest thing-she is just adorable.

    I'm loving your Easter display in your previous post-so 'springy'

    Keep stitching:)

    Shazy x

  10. it is lovely!
    and I love the wool in the nose!!

  11. Bunty is too adorable for words! You are sooooo talented! I couldn't put Bunty away in a drawer....she has a personality! Just look at that precious face! :O)

  12. Love the bow on the bunny's head and the floppy ears.

  13. Julia you are so talented!
    Your Bunty is fabulous and so beautifully made.
    Love the bunnies in the previous posts also.
