
Saturday 21 May 2011

A lovely book!

Hi all. Just a quickie post, as this morning my giveaway prize from JoJo arrived - 'A Boys Story' by Anni Downs of Hatched and Patched

such a lovely book packed with lots of lovely things to make for little (and not so little) boys. Here are just a couple of pages from the book showing some really super quilts

I just need a little boy to stitch for now ......... I don't mean me personally have a little boy (hells bells!!) - I'm a bit past that now!!! LOL - Actually, I've just remembered, my friend has recently become a grannie for the first time to a gorgeous little chap, so maybe Toby is going to be the recipient of a 'Hatched and Patched' quilt!!


  1. Congratulations Julia! The book looks great. Have fun making some of the projects.


  2. Nice book Julia. Yep its easy to find loose little children to stitch for without having you're own-lol
    Has that parcel arrived yet from here, obviously not, hope its not far away.

  3. Lucky Toby! I think the quilts look good for a boy or a girl. I would even like one for myself!!! x

  4. What a lovely book ,lucky you l can not wait to see what you make for little Toby. Well l thought l was a follower but l did not see my little Hare sitting on her chair so l am now one of your followers,have a good weekend.

    Hugs Pat.

  5. Perhaps I could have a little peek someday :)
    Well done on your win.
