
Wednesday 13 November 2013

Pumpkin Pie

Isn’t it fabulous when you get home from a hard day at work to find an unexpected package waiting for you!!  That’s what was waiting for me today:0) ....... a surprise pressie from my sweet friend Wendy – a bit of woolly love in the form of a Pumpkin Pie Pincushion.
Isn’t it lovely? Thank you very much my friend – I love it. Wendy, as we know, is the King (sorry, Queen) of pumpkin making, but such a clever idea to put one in a tin to make it into a Pumpkin Pie. Wendy was being thoughtful in more ways than one too, because she did tease me a bit at the beginning of her letter by telling me she had thought about sending me some Pumpkin Pie (yummy, yes please!), but then decided it would be a bit messy in the post and unkind to my hips too; anyway I prefer the woolly version Wendy, so much better for me (although I’m sure the foodie Pumpkin Pie is scrummy). I love the rusty pin and bell on the top too - a great prim touch.
....... now I’m off to find some pins for my new pin cushion!

Sunday 10 November 2013

I Love Dolls

Isn’t she just Soooo ME? ‘I Love Dolls’ – one of those little Blossom Bucket resin ‘dust collectors’!!
I ‘won’ it recently on ebay (now there’s a Wendyism if ever I heard one LOL) .... sorry Wendy! How could I leave her there floating around the internet – I couldn’t could I? She had a long trip mind – All the way from America – she’s worth it though and now I have to find a special place for her, so she can watch over me while I make rag dolls ...... yeh, sad, I know!!!!

Another little ebay ‘win’ a couple of weeks ago was some Primitive Gatherings fabric.
I’d been with a friend to just a small quilt exhibition held in a local church, which was lovely and very inspiring, but of course there were also a few traders – only 4 stalls in the church hall, but I still managed to spend a few pennies. When I spotted the Primitive Gatherings ‘Seasonal Little Gatherings’ charm pack, I made a ‘beeline’ for it – there was only one, so I wasn’t going to let anyone else get their hands on it and bought it on the spot! Then of course when I got it home, I decided I really needed a bit more of the fabric to make the charm pack useful, so hence the two half metres ‘ebay’ wins ....... isn’t it scrummy? Can’t quite decide what to do with it now of course!! I’m thinking of perhaps a small stitchery for the middle, then make it up with the squares with a border – oh choices, choices ...... what I actually need is the time to do anything at all with it though ........

Wednesday 6 November 2013

April Showers!

Now I’ve probably only had this Blackbird Design ‘April Showers’ pattern for these stockings about 3 years! and I finally got around to stitching them recently when I went to Spain (in September) on holiday. I know it’s the wrong time of year for April showers, but, hey ho!! I decided some stitching was a ‘must’ for my holiday and managed to complete two and a half of the stockings while I was there – I amazed myself, but it does just go to show how little time you get for sewing in the normal course of crazy, mad work days, housework, shopping etc. Having done two and a half in one week, it then took me a further 3 - 4 weeks to finish the other ‘half’ after I came home ...... and then another 2 weeks or so to finish them with the fabric backing and the beads. I’m very pleased with them though
This is them individually, and if you look closely you can see that I’ve added a little charm to each one. A heart charm on this one - my favourite with the blue umbrella

I love the little ladybird on this one

and I think the charm on this one is meant to be a little buzzy bee or something .... not too sure really, but cute all the same (can a bee be cute! hmmm – maybe not)

so that's my latest finish; and now back to wooly pinkeep number 2 (see previous post for wooly pinkeep number 1) – I’ve made a start on it, but haven’t got very far and I don’t think I’ll be doing much of it this weekend either, as I’ve decided I MUST MUST dedicate the weekend to finishing off decorating the bathroom, which I’ve only been doing for about 3 months!!! I am not in the least bit inspired to do it – but it HAS to be done, so .......... !!