
Sunday 15 December 2013

Sleigh Bells

Another cross-stitch finish and just in time for the festive season! This is from Country Rustic Primitives - Jenny has loads of lovely primitive patterns available on Etsy, really worth a look if you've not come across her before

I've made mine up a bit differently by adding red homespun fabric top and bottom and a run of tiny rusty bells across the bottom

Mind you I have to admit to swearing at it more than once while I was stitching it!! The pattern suggests stitching on Osnaburg and as I had some I thought I may as well use it ....... what I didn't know was that stitching on Osnaburg is like using 32-count linen - bear in mind, the smallest I use is 28-count, so I found it pretty tough on the old eyes and practically impossible under electric light. Still, I got there in the end, added a bit of coffee staining, and voila .......... and I love it!

I bought this pattern too at the same time, but didn't get around to making it .......

maybe in time for next Christmas!!!!



  1. Aaaw Lovely Sleigh Bells! :)
    And go on you can get the next one finished too ;)
    Love Wendy x x

  2. Sleigh bells is lovely Julia. 32 count-wow, I'm like you, the old eyes ain't what they used to be!!

  3. Belated Christmas wishes and an early Happy New Year. I hope it is full of lovely things. x
