
Friday 18 April 2014

Shazy Swap!

I am so lucky!! Look what I got from Shazy of Country Prims!

Recently in February, Shazy saw this woolly sheep I made for Wendy (Quiet Room blog) and was rather taken with it. Anyway after a bit of to & fro'ing, we decided on a swap. I know Shazy was a bit concerned about making something she thought would suit me, but oh my days, she could not have 'got' me more accurately. Inspired by Veronique of Born to Quilt, she's made this gorgeous Prairie Doll Pin Keep ....... isn't she just fantabulous?
 The detail is so lovely - the scissors, the tape measure ribbon, the acorn pin .............
........... and I just love the base. It's wooden but with a rust paint effect (I need to know how to do this!!!)
I love everything about her and she will adorn my new sewing room (ex-spare bedroom!!) extremely well
And as if that wasn't enough, Shazy also sent these two lovely Wool Charm packs - can't wait to find a use for them!! In the top picture, you can also see a lovely sheepy LHN cross-stitch pattern - flosses already ordered Shazy. Typically, amongst my pot of Crescent Colours flosses, I don't have any of the ones I need, but do not despair - they were ordered last night!! Plus a bag of chocolate eggs - yummy, scrummie - they will wait until Sunday ...... oh yes they will!!

Shazy, you're amazing - thank you so much. I have already emailed to grovel the fact I haven't yet finished my half of the bargain, my excuses being work, work & more work ...... been doing a lot of overtime lately .......... but they will be winging their way to you before long.

Now after seeing this on Simone's blog, I hot-footed it to WH Smith's to purchase myself a copy before they were all sold out! What a lovely magazine - very Shabby Chic - very droolable (no such word of course - I just made that up!!)

This 'Altered Art' is amazing - can't see me doing it though - too clever for me!
and this page - well, I just love this kitchen - very country cottagie (another made up word!) with the rustic beams and black & white flooring - lovely!

Nearly lastly (this is a bit of a longish post for me these days!) is a picture of the two vintage style crates I bought last weekend during a 'girlie' weekend I had with 3 of my cousins in Barmouth (mid-west Wales) - another reason Shazy for me being behind with your pressies!! Aren't they just luverley? The bigger one on the bottom is the colour as bought, but I've decided to wax polish them, as in the smaller top one, which I think makes them even luverlier!! What do you think?
and as I've mentioned it, I may as well show you a photo of me with my cousins from last weekend - don't we look a crazy, likely lot? We were quite well behaved though actually - honest!!


  1. Your woolly sheep are cute and I love the sewing lady you received. I have done one to one swaps ith my blogging friend Sherry. Always fun to do. Hugs Mrs A.

  2. What a wonderful swap?!!! Shazi is very talented and generous indeed! Thank you for the link Julia - I knew you would find inspiration in the magazine (although nothing will beat Veronique's Magic Patch magazine!) I hope you are having a lovely weekend and looking forward to tucking in to those easter eggs! Your cousins look like a lovely bunch of people. x

  3. On my what a package full of sweetness! I adore the doll so much!
    Your crates were terrific finds too!

  4. Ooops I missed this post...?
    Probably a good job though as I'm turning a little bit gren with envy whilst drooling over your gorgeous goodies ;)
    Love the Prim Doll and your crates are greats ..hehehe
    Hugs Wendy x x

  5. I'd say you both did well with your swap. The family picture is priceless.

  6. what a wonderful picture you have with your cousins!! it is really nice!!!

  7. aww, what a great picture you have with your cousins!! it is really a great one!!
