
Friday 10 April 2015

Ta, daaaa!!!!

Is nearly 6 years to finish a quilt a very long time?????? Well, that’s how long it’s taken me to finish this one– my ‘Heart and Home’ quilt . It took me ages to find my original entry, but I did and it was 20th July 2009!! In my defence however, I didn’t actually work on it at all for about 4½ of those years, so it doesn’t sound so bad then eh? I picked it up again last year and finished the top by adding the last two borders (and appliqué corners) and then had it basted together in order to undertake the mammoth task …… why, oh why, to hand-quilt it – YES, hand-quilt. Totally nuts I know LOL Well, it's because I've loved the rustic, country charm look of hand-quilting ever since I saw one in a shop

I started the hand-quilting in February and made steady progress, but became determined before the Easter weekend to get it completely finished once and for all, particularly as I had banned myself (!!!) from starting anything else until the quilt was done – that’s why it’s taken me nearly 6 years though – constant distractions by making all sorts of other smaller things - rag dolls, lots of rag dolls!!!


Anyway done it is ….. PHEW!! And now adorning my bed. The hand-quilting isn’t very easy to see, but you can just about make it out

Oh, and don’t forget the label – always label your quilts they say, so I did – be kind though and don’t look too closely at the back of the stitching LOL

So, let me know what you think!


  1. Oh wow, Julia! It's beautifully stitched! Well done!

  2. It looks amazing - well done

  3. I love your quilt!! Very happy that you have finally finished it!

  4. Oh wow Julia!
    Love, Love, LOVE your quilt...a real treasure for always 😃
    And 6 years or so isn't sooo bad, I have the same pattern and fabric in my stash and haven't even started it yet...hehe
    Hugs Wendy xxx

  5. I think you have done a wonderful job Julia and put your heart and soul into it! When are you starting your second one?!!! x

  6. So worth waiting the 6 years for hun. It truly is lovely. Well done you.
