
Saturday 31 October 2015

Baby Cot Quilt

I’ve had a short break from my bears the last few weeks or so because I was asked by a work colleague to make a baby cot quilt. Something traditional was the request; but, still unsure what to do, I asked her to find a design she liked – and hexagons were her choice! These are approximately 4½ inches in width and machine stitched, rather than the smaller ‘paper piecing’ ones, which would have taken 'forever', or at least until the youngster was about 5-years old!!  I hadn’t a clue how to go about machine sewing hexagons, other that knowing accurate points would be crucial!! However, I found an excellent tutorial on YouTube, which worked really well. Even though I say so myself, practically all of the points are spot on! I added a border in a neutral ivory tone and a smaller lemon one to help the hexagons pop. Anyway, this is it

Thankfully, baby cot quilts are small LOL. Mind you, I ended up making two, because when I was half way through making this one, my sister-in-law saw it and asked whether I would make one for her to give as a gift to one of her work friends who was also expecting. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a photograph of that one, as there was a bit of a rush to finish it – the said lady having had a C section a week ago and my sister-in-law was due to visit her on Thursday, so I had to get it finished quickly! It’s a shame, because it’s a different design to this one, other than I used a few of the left-over hexagons in the centre; and then I did appliqué birds and flowers around the edges – very sweet!

Anyway, I’m back to my bears now
and hope I shall soon have another one to show!

I nearly forgot; Happy Spooky Halloween everyone!!!!!!


  1. Love it Julia, the colours all blend together beautifully. Lucky baby that sleeps under this! x

  2. I'm in love with hexies (english paper-pieced) having been introduced to them recently by a lovely English lady who has settled here - I have been making them in front of the TV after work and Saturday/Sunday nights I whip them up and love how fast they come together. I've churned out quite a few but haven't put them in a quilt yet. Im undecided as to whether I put the ones I have sewn into daisy shapes onto wholecloth and just quilt around them or keep on making more hexies until I have enough to put them in-between the ones I have sewn into hexie daisies. Anyways I really like your blog, I visit England from New Zealand every couple of years to visit my older sister and havent yet come across any fabric shops (unless I miss them because i spend so much time in your lovely bookshops) probably a good thing because I end up with far too much to bring back home - so I will keep an eye on your blog to see if you make any recommendations. Being so close to the rest of the "fabric" world you must have a wonderfully huge selection to choose from. Your teddy is adorable as well - teddy making is on my long term sewing list.
