
Monday 15 October 2018

Ye Old Crow Sampler

I saw this cross-stitch made up on somebody's blog, or Instagram feed or Facebook ...... I really can't remember now, but I liked it a lot and decided it shouldn't be too taxing, as it's small and only one colour thread, so no chopping & changing threads constantly! Actually, I thought I'd seen it on Wendy's blog recently, but I can't see it there, so it must have been somebody else's idea I'm nicking!

Cheap too! The pattern comes together with the three small buttons needed and i only had to buy two skeins of Weeks Dye Works thread. Of course, it won't be ready for this Halloween, but hopefully next year. I'm doing what Wendy said I should do and prepping plenty of craft things ready for my recuperation period after my knee replacement operation .......... next Thursday - it's getting close now!!!

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