
Friday 16 November 2018

Going round in circles!!

I knew it would be bad news for my bank balance being at home for an extended period!! Yes, there have been one or two (or three) random fabric purchases, but on Monday when all I went out for was paracetamol for my poorly leg, I came back with this absolutely gorgeous (well, I think it is anyway!) decorative spiral staircase .......... as you do!! It's in that lovely country, rustic, faux rusty style that is so me. I didn't have any plan for it; and probably wouldn't have bought it (it was £140!!!!!) if my dear sister-in-law, Ruth hadn't encouraged me. Usually Ruth encourages me not to buy things unless it's something I really need.

Anyway, as you see below, I have found a good use for it ............ it makes a great bear stand. And I do honestly think that once I've retired from work and hopefully have the time to do craft fairs etc. it will make a great display feature - have I convinced you??

In case you're interested, its approximately 4½ feet high, so not a little table top thing:0) 

Tuesday 6 November 2018

‘Jolly Happy Soul’ - finished!

So, here’s my ‘Frosty’ (real name, ‘Jolly Happy Soul’) cross-stitch all complete and made up into a little decorative cushion – it’s a Brenda Gervais design. The original was designed as a pincushion I think, but as mine is bigger, I’ll just call it a small cushion. And that’s because I’ve used 28-count linen, instead of the 40-count called for by the pattern ……….. eyes and all that!! Now I hope none of you are cruel enough to attempt a close-up of those cardinal birds, because I can tell you, some of that was guesswork, owing to the one strand of floss over one thread. Even in lovely bright daylight yesterday afternoon, I was struggling with seeing where the needle needed to go – so be kind to me and look through squinted eyes LOL

I just love the way the holly leaves look ……. they have a very vintage look!

To finish it off, I used a dull red colour seambinding ribbon that I was lucky to have plenty of – I didn’t have any white/ivory, but I think I like the red anyway. And on the back, I’ve used a piece of hand-dyed cotton velvet (hand dyed by me several years ago), which also matched in quite well. Depending on your screen, it may look rather bright, but that’s probably the afternoon light I’ve just taken the photos in, so it’s not as bright as it looks.

I’m very pleased with it – I hope you like it too!

Thursday 1 November 2018

Jolly Happy Soul - progress so far!

So here I am lying in my sickbed after my knee op …….. Well okay, I’m not in a sickbed! I am, in fact, becoming quite the master of these here crutches – getting around (so far) pretty well on them.

And while I’m fairly well being waited on hand, foot and finger by my lovely sister-in-law, Ruth, I’ve been keeping myself entertained with my Frosty cross-stitch – actually the pattern is called ‘Jolly Happy Soul’ and it’s by Brenda Gervais. Seeing that I have little else to do (apart that is from all the exercises I MUST do each day) I’ve gotten on quite well.

I’m leaving the trickier parts until last – that being those tiny little cardinal birds, which are stitched with one strand of floss over one thread – can you just about see them on the pattern? Don’t know how I shall mange those. I have considered popping them in the post to the lovely Wendy, who is so clever, she works on 40-count linen (mine is 28-count), but she must have 20/20 vision I’ve decided. Wendy would sort those cardinals in no time! Don’t worry Wendy, I wouldn’t do that really, because then it wouldn’t be ‘all my own work’ ……….. such pride LOL    I shall have to make sure I do them in nice bright daylight and then I might stand a chance. I won’t worry about them though for a couple of days!

I do love the holly leaves; and when the red berries are added, it'll really 'pop'! Maybe I’ll have it done by the weekend!