
Tuesday 1 January 2019

Post-op Crafting re-cap!!

I shall be going back to work on Monday next week after 10 weeks off following my knee replacement surgery – rather glad to be getting back to normal actually!! So I thought I would do a little re-cap on what ‘crafty’ things I’ve achieved during my enforced rest!

No.1: Cross-Stitch
I love this - Jolly Happy Soul cross-stitch by Brenda Gervais – very rustic in style

No. 2: Christmas Stockings
These two stockings were from some free fabric I received from the Home Shopping channel ‘Sewing Quarter’. I was placing an order anyway; and this was a free offer on the day – there were 4 half metres, plus a couple of other things. The fabric was unknown, but I was really pleased with all of it when it arrived. The stockings were made with two of the pieces of fabric and I gave the stockings to 2 lovely little boys I know.

No. 3: Baby Quilts
I made two special quilts for two very special little boys – although the sex of the babies was unknown when I set to on them. I love that the parents didn’t choose to know in these days where most young couples want to know – I’m clearly rather old fashioned!!  My Great Nephew, Mika was then born on 2nd December – my nephew’s wife, Hafsa, chose the ‘elephants’; and then William Owen was born on 27th December and his quilt ‘the bunnies’ was sent all the way over to Australia where he lives with his mommy and daddy, Ross and Amy. Ross is my nephew’s cousin (not blood related to me); but he did grow up calling me ‘auntie’.

No. 4: Padded Christmas Trees
I made two of these and gave them both away. I made a couple a few years ago from (I think) a Simplicity pattern. I no longer have the pattern, but I remembered how they were made, so they were easy enough.

No. 5: Triangle Christmas Tree
I also made two of these! I didn’t know what else to call it, but ‘Triangle Christmas Tree’ seems appropriate. I made a couple some years ago; and I really don’t remember where I had the idea from – all I know is I couldn’t have come up with the idea myself. I’ve clearly ‘nicked’ it from somewhere - probably Pinterest!!One has been given away and the other will be.

And no Artist Teddy Bears!! I haven’t stopped making them; it’s just me being me and getting distracted by so many other things to make. In fact, I do have two bears prepped (thank you to Wendy for suggesting it), but haven’t gotten around to them yet. My next project, apart from finishing off some hand quilting, will probably be my next Waldorf Doll ………. can’t wait to make that!!

So, my stitching will likely slow down a bit once I’m back at work – I anticipate being a wee bit shattered at first, even only working half days – so wish me luck!!

And I’ll take the opportunity to wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

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