
Thursday 26 March 2020

Cross-stitching (day 2)

Well, I made a good bit of progress this afternoon on my ‘Ye Old Crow Sampler’ by Heart in Hand cross-stitch ..... I’ll never be as fast as Wendy though - she’s a super quick stitcher! I’ve probably nicked the idea for this pattern from Wendy actually - can’t remember, but I’ve been ‘inspired’ by her work once or twice!

And then when I’d had enough of that I decided to have a go at making some ginger biscuits. This time ’inspired’ by Simone. She made some yesterday. Mine though; well a bit of a disaster! I cook and bake regularly, but I’ve never made biscuits before! I didn’t know I needed to leave loads of space between each one ðŸ˜• so what came out of the oven was one big square gingernut biscuit. All I could do after it had cooled a bit was to cut it into smaller squares. So not your conventional gingernuts! But, hey, they still taste nice ...... dunked a couple in a cuppa after I’d had my tea. 

Hope you’re all managing to keep busy and well. 

Ye Old Crow sampler

So, all of those ‘to do’ crafty projects will now turn into ‘finished’ projects ………. won’t they?!

And yesterday I decided to start a ‘Halloween’ theme cross-stitch – completely the wrong time of year I know, but just to make sure it’s completed in time J It’s only a small pincushion/pillow, so shouldn’t be a problem. It’s called Ye Old Crow Sampler by Heart in Hand – all done in the one colour, so even easier!

I’m going to try to post more regularly, so will post an update soon …….