....... and another rag doll!!! Well, actually, she’s a sewing buddy, not strictly a rag doll I suppose as she has no long dangly legs – she’s designed to sit on your work table and pass you your sewing requirements, i.e. scissors (see in her top pocket),
thread (in the bottom pocket) and pins in her hat .... clever eh?
And where did I get her from you’re asking – aren’t you??!!! – from a shop I’ve been wanting to go to for ever such a long time
.... ‘Liberty Bell’ in Chester (YES, Wendy I’ve been at long last!!) – Wendy is a big fan and has been loads of times, but it required a special trip to get there as it’s a bit further afield for me. Well, I could have bought up the whole bloomin’ shop; it’s full of so much, well, just lovely stuff!!! But I didn’t go too mad, I restricted myself to a McCalls candle in a jar (much better than Yankee candles in my opinion! fabric (of course) and the pattern for this lovely doll called ‘Born to Quilt’.
My version of the doll does look a bit different admittedly, so you could say I’ve been inspired by it rather than making an exact copy.
As I mentioned earlier, she doesn't have the usual long legs. Instead, she has a flat bottom, which is weighted down because she's designed to sit on a table. She has an underskirt, a dress and an apron, topped by a lovely wool coat (seen better here from the back).
What do you think?