
Sunday 28 September 2008

Sew far sew good - sort of!!

I’m conscious that I haven’t posted for nearly 2 weeks, so thought I’d better post a quick note. The reason being that I’m undertaking the mammoth task of quilting my first quilt – ever wished you hadn’t started something??!! I know a lot of ladies have theirs professionally quilted and I did think about it, but then realised I couldn’t afford it, so it was either let it sit in a cupboard for the next 12 months until I could afford it, or have a go myself! I’ve decided I’m going to look upon this as a learning curve (quite a big one!). Until you try it, you can never imagine how difficult it is to man-handle a quilt this size (it’s about 88 x 82 inches) through a domestic sewing machine – it is so heavy. And the idea of doing free-motion quilting all over soon went out of the window, so I’ve, so far, quilted ‘in the ditch’ (not terribly accurately!) over the diamond pattern in the centre and then I may have a go at free-motion around the borders, but we will see!! It’s a bit puckered here and there on the back, but I’m sort of hoping that when it’s all finished and I put it through a warm wash cycle and tumble dry programme, it might just sort of do something miraculous to it and pull it altogether – I live in hope! I had to smile last Sunday, because, I sat down to start it in the morning, convinced that if I worked hard at it all day, I’d have it finished by the end of the day – OK, you can stop laughing – I got about a third of the way through it, so it’s Sunday morning again and perhaps I’ll achieve another third today – just can’t wait until it’s finished though!!

Monday 15 September 2008

Cat Tails finished!

I finished my 'Cat Tails' wall hanging over the weekend and I think it looks more or less like the picture on the front of the pattern - does what it says on the tin! However, any ideas I had that I was going to finish it in a couple of days were completely blown out of the water - all of the applique and half of the quilting was done by hand and it just takes longer than you think!!
Now I just need to get one of those nice wire hanger thingys to finish it off. It is meant to be a birthday present for somebody ........... but I'm not so sure now, I quite like it for myself. I could always do another one I suppose, but it was very fiddley with all those little bits of felt to cut out - it's not actually as big as it looks, so the stripes on the cats and the tips of the tails on the kittens are very very small - still, we shall see!! The birthday in question isn't until next year actually, so I've got plenty of time to think about it.

Saturday 13 September 2008

My first swap!!

Look what the postman bought for me this morning all the way from Canada.

I’m chuffed to bits as this my first swap, albeit a mini swap between me and Kathleen (Coffee Mom). The magazine contains a pattern for a really lovely Christmas wallhanging called ’12 days of Christmas’ – see picture of inside the magazine.

I saw it on Kathleen’s blog, and after discovering I was unable to get hold of it myself over ‘ere, Kathleen (or Coffee mom as she likes to be known), suggested a mini swap – just she and me!! And job done already as you see. Damn it though, now this means I am just going to have to go to my favourite fabric shop doesn’t it? Your fault Kathleen - can you see (or at least imagine) the big smile right across my face? Kathleen also sent me a card with a lovely picture of Canada in the Fall. Autumn is my most favourite time of the year because of the colours – they are stunning and I am lucky enough to live in an area where the woods and trees are plentiful and look so nice at this time of year (well, they’re starting to turn anyway). Having said that though, I do dream of one day going to see Canada in the Fall as its beauty is famous.

I was going to show you what I’ve sent to Kathleen, but I don’t think she’s received it yet, so I won’t spoil the surprise!! Hopefully it will arrive early next week.

Pop over to Kathleen’s blog and you will see her ’12 days of Christmas’ half way completed.

Thanks Coffee Mom!

Sunday 7 September 2008


When I first started out doing crafts many years ago now, I used to do cross-stitch. I don’t do them any more, because for one, I don’t have the patience as they seem to take so long to complete, and secondly I was finding it a bit of a strain on my eyes – age creeping up you see – comes to us all eventually!! I was looking the other day though at a couple of them on my wall that I had framed and still enjoy looking at.

The sampler I absolutely love mainly because of the gorgeous muted colours in it and ............

............ the perambulator because I used to have a bit of a passion for them. It was seeing Jo’s (Home Sweet Home) super new perambulator recently on her blog that reminded me of it.

And as for my current WIP (Cat Tails) – as you see, it is still a WIP - apologies for slightly blurred image!

but it’s coming along nicely so far – and if I take myself away from this computer for long enough, which I have become even more addicted to since I discovered ‘blogland’, I may even get it finished by this evening .... so that’s where I’m going ...... will show it next when it’s completed – I hope!!


Monday 1 September 2008

Cat tails

Look what Mr Postman brought for me today. I've been eagerly awaiting its arrival from 'The Quiltroom' . They have some lovely kits and fabrics and this one is sooooo cute!!

When, though, is somebody going to invent the 36-hour day? This would give me an extra 12 hours a day just for my sewing, so I expect something else will have to give in order for me to do justice to these adorable kittens. I don't even get to keep it either as it was bought to give as a gift to someone else. Still, I'm sure it will be appreciated!