
Saturday 31 January 2009


.... from Canada! A little while ago I tracked down a magazine for Pat (no blog) in Canada. It was the ‘Magic Patch’ magazine, which she then subscribed to through a British company. Pat was actually after the ‘Born to Quilt’ issue, but that was so popular last summer, it had completely sold out. I did photocopy a pattern she liked though from my own copy of the magazine and sent it over to her, which I know she was pleased with, and then today when I got home, there was a little package waiting for me! Pat sent me a craft magazine at the time by way of thanks, so this is an extra - aren't I the lucky one? Now we all know, don’t we, how nice it is to find a package waiting for us, but it’s 10 times better still when you’re not expecting one! And this is what was inside:-

3 lovely wool snowmen ornaments (I love the colours) – these will definitely adorn my Christmas tree next year!

and a very nice ‘Valentine’ bookmark. Thank you Pat for your generosity.

Now, I’d like a bit of sympathy please. I’ve spent the last week away from work – “that sounds good” I hear you say – wrong! I won’t go into detail, but I’ve had a really nasty virus, sickness etc. (the ‘etc.’ is where I won’t go into detail if you know what I mean!!). Boy, did I feel rough at the beginning of the week. Now I know I’m ill when:

1. I stay in bed all day, which was all of Monday and a big part of Tuesday; and
2. I can’t eat!! Which I couldn’t

Still, I’m over it now thank goodness and there’s always an upside to things isn’t there – I lost 7 1bs in 3 days and I can’t remember the last time I managed such a quick weight loss. Anyway, I’m gonna try and keep it off and lose a bit more besides, well a lot more actually (“ha, that old chestnut” I hear you say!!). Well I can try.

But do you know the really annoying thing about having been off all week is that I didn’t pick a needle up until Friday – I couldn’t even raise any interest in my sewing – what a waste! So all I’ve achieved in the last week was to nearly finish the first block of my ‘Sheep in the Willow’ BOM – I still have a bit a grass to embroider at the bottom so that the sheep isn’t floating in the air! I’ve been today and bought some backing for my 2nd quilt, so that’s my next task, basting, quilting etc. (oooh, I’m suddenly feeling all funny again!!!!)

.......... til next time then.


  1. I'm glad you are feeling better.

    When you are ill you should concentrate on feeling better. the sewing will wait.

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  2. I am sorry you have been unwell Julia and hope that you are well on the road to recovery. You received some lovely things.
