
Monday 2 February 2009

I'm a winner!!

I've won my first 'bloggie' prize!! I entered Jo's (Home Sweet Home) giveaway and I won 2nd prize ......... and if you pop over to Jo's blog, you will see what I have won - my prizes are so 'me' prim & gorgeous and now I can't wait to have them ...... yes I really am 48 years old, I just sound like an 8-year old!!!!! But who cares?

Now whilst you ladies over in Oz are melting away in the heat; have a look at what we have over here today .... and it's due to keep on coming all week - we've got Siberia to thank for it apparently! Now come on everyone, join in ..... "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas ........." oh bugger, too late am I not?? Never mind. Yes it's pretty, but not when you've got to battle into work in it!!

Going to wrap myself in a blanket now in front of the fire, brrrrrrrrrr


  1. Congrats Julia, lucky thing. Thats a great book you have one. You will be very enthused to get stitching now. Lovely weather you are getting although I think I would rather have that than what Aussie is getting. hate the heat.

  2. Congrats Julia - I just love the prizes - they are all wonderful.
    Cant wait to receive them, and yes me too - I sound like a school girl, but as you say - who cares - you only live once and it is lovely to win something.

  3. Congratulations on winning goodies! I'm in Tokyo & still no snow in the city - sigh!!!
