
Sunday 22 February 2009

Quilt No.2 finished!!

......... well, very nearly anyway, I just have a little bit of hand sewing to complete the last part of the binding, but I wanted to take a photograph of it in the daylight to get as true a refection of the colours as possible. I'm very pleased with the result - I love the colours, but the best part was how quilckly I've made it from start to finish, which has been a matter of weeks as opposed to the 18 months my first quilt took me to make. Of course, this is a much easier pattern, but it still looks good. It's not full double bed size, well, not so that it would hang down the sides anyway. It's certainly big enough to cover the top of the bed, but I've decided I'm going to just keep it in the lounge to snuggle up under on chilly nights in front of the TV - sounds good to me!!

I don't know about you other ladies, but I find it difficult to allow myself to start on something else until the current project is done, probably in fear that I'll never go back to it, so now that my quilt is finished, I can start to think of my next project, which will be for Julie's 'Easter Swap'. I have the details of my swap partner, so now I have to get my thinking cap on ........ I wonder what I shall make!!

Well, Spring is around the corner .... hopefully anyway! It is still a bit chilly, but let's hope we're done with the snow for this winter. We've had a bit of sunshine and the buds are starting to come through - enough to make you feel brighter eh!

Thursday 19 February 2009


... just had to share these two pictures with you - I mean, just how damn cute are they? They're pages from a daily calendar that my friend at work has on her desk and I thought the 'humiliated' hamster so lovely - don't you agree?
Afraid I don't have any sewing to show you at the moment! I've very nearly finished my second quilt though; I've just got to add the binding and then it's done. It should have been finished before now really, but I become a yellow belly coward when I get to the quilting stage and I did nothing but look at it for about a week. Hopefully I'll have it to show at the weekend - keep me to it!!
Bye for now!

Thursday 5 February 2009

A 'Tilda' Giveaway!

I've just found another
'Blogaversary' giveaway over here at Chiara's blog. Chiara is a 'Tilda' fan and as such, her giveaway prize will be something made from the "Tildas Landsted" book. So, go over and say "hi" to Chiara and you'll be in with a chance of winning a lovely prize! The giveaway post is dated 3rd February so you'll need to scroll down to get to it.

Monday 2 February 2009

I'm a winner!!

I've won my first 'bloggie' prize!! I entered Jo's (Home Sweet Home) giveaway and I won 2nd prize ......... and if you pop over to Jo's blog, you will see what I have won - my prizes are so 'me' prim & gorgeous and now I can't wait to have them ...... yes I really am 48 years old, I just sound like an 8-year old!!!!! But who cares?

Now whilst you ladies over in Oz are melting away in the heat; have a look at what we have over here today .... and it's due to keep on coming all week - we've got Siberia to thank for it apparently! Now come on everyone, join in ..... "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas ........." oh bugger, too late am I not?? Never mind. Yes it's pretty, but not when you've got to battle into work in it!!

Going to wrap myself in a blanket now in front of the fire, brrrrrrrrrr