
Friday 7 May 2010

A lovely day!

Well, I had a lovely, lovely day yesterday celebrating my birthday ........ OK, my 50th birthday!!! As I told you in yesterday’s post, I went off to my favourite fabric shop and had probably only been in the shop about 5 minutes before I had been conned, sorry, persuaded into buying a jelly roll; to which I added a few fat quarters. I didn’t stay too long though, in case I lost all control. It wasn’t random buying though (well OK, two of the fat quarters were!!). I was after fabric that would match a quilt top that I’m half way through. Rather dimly, when I bought the quilt pattern and fabric, I didn’t check the finished size – I assumed it would be full double-bed size, whereas it is really only a bed-topper size, so I’m going to extend it with extra borders and applique (eventually!) ........ so that is my one and only excuse for buying fabric – do I need one though!!?? Not when it’s your 50th birthday you don’t!!!

Yesterday evening I spent with my family and one of my friends at my brother’s house, where we had a lovely big Chinese takeaway – yum! Followed by the piece de resistance (have I spelt that right!!) ............. a drum roll please for my beautiful birthday cake made by my wonderfully talented and very kind auntie – take a look at this ..............

... and this is a only a small sample of my aunt’s talent. Sugar craft has been her hobby for a long time and she has made many, many wedding and birthday cakes over the years, and each one is to an extremely high standard – a missed business opportunity I think.

Now this is very brave of me I think, because the next one is of ME with the cake, plus my talented aunt, my brother and my friend.

.... now I know they say that photographs add about 10 lb to your weight, but what the heck accounts for the other 40 lb of mine – perhaps it’s to do with my age eh?? Not convinced – no, me neither. Just way too much cake and chocolate .... but you have to agree that it would be churlish of me not to eat my birthday cake – I will share a bit of it though, don’t worry.

I received mostly money and garden vouchers for presents. My big present I’ve already had in April of course – that was my trip to Ireland with my brother and sister-in-law. I also had some lovely willow vegetable planters as I’m attempting to grow a few vegetables this year and I think these wicker planters look so much nicer than plastic tubs, and I can use them again next year, so ‘Green’ too.

And I took this one just before I went to bed last night of some of my birthday cards.

Back to normal now I suppose – excitement over. I’d go and switch the TV on, but there’s nothing but the news about our ‘hung parliament' – when will that ever get sorted!!!!

Till next time!


  1. What a lovely chatty blog, I've come via Margarets A sampler of stitches, so glad I did. A belated happy 50th to you, gosh life is just beginning :o). The cake is wonderful and so pretty, your aunt is one very talented lady. The rest of the photos are great too, I hadn't thought of wicker planters, do they have a lining? Don't worry about the camera adding an extra 10lbs I blame it on the widescreens we now use ;o)

    Enjoy your journey weekend.

    Peg xx

  2. woaw ., what a beautiful cake !

  3. So glad you had a lovely day, and a yummy cake! :) And I think you look gorgeous so don't think otherwise!

  4. So glad you got celebrated like you should've. You have so many fab magazines in england. The few times I have the opportunity to get them I want to get all of them as my hobby extends to so many subjects. I can buy them here, but then it usually costs around £10 per mag and I just don't have that kind of moolah :)
    Love all your present stuff, cute mugs and everything. I really want to go there soon, especially now that the pound is quite cheap in comparison.

  5. Belated Birthday wishes Julia! Your Auntie is a very talented cake maker. I can see where you have inherited your creative talent! The wicker planters are a great idea - useful and prety too!
