
Sunday 9 May 2010

I’ve just realised how long it’s been since I posted about anything I’ve made, so it’s good to be doing so now! Not that I haven’t been stitching! I have made a couple of things for my friend Wendy (finished them ages ago actually), but I’ve been waiting for a tiny little decoration that I had ordered from America ......... I have been waiting, and waiting, and waiting – but no joy yet, so I’ve now asked the shop to cancel the order and I shall be posting Wendy’s (very belated) birthday present off this week. After that, I will be able to show those too!!

Anyway, this is what I’ve just finished – a little ted. He’s based on my Strawberry Bear pattern, only with BIG feet, which I love and a big cute nose too. I haven’t given him a name yet – anyone got any ideas? He’s about 5 inches sitting and about 9 inches at full stretch.

See you next time!


  1. Hi Julia,
    Love your Strawberry Bear!! Sometimes I think you're toooooo clever and talented for your own good....hehehe! ;) Lol!
    Love ya! Wendy x

  2. Your little bear is gorgeous Julia. He looks like a Boris to me!

  3. oh my gosh Julia, this Ted is just so cuuuuttteee!
    made me laugh!!
    thanks for sharing!
