
Saturday 24 July 2010

A Giveaway!!

Sue from ‘Quilt Times’ is having a super giveaway in order to get us all started early on our Christmas stitching. The prize is this lovely book called ‘Christmas Quilts from Hopscotch’

So ‘hop’ (get it!!!) on over to ‘Quilt Times’ to be in with a chance of winning it!!

Saturday 17 July 2010


Well, I have achieved a little bit of sewing this week while I’ve been off work on leave, but not the sort I prefer to do! I had a small commission from a lady at work! The lady in question has a friend who is holding a garden party later in the month and wanted some fabric bunting to hang up around the garden. I’ve made 24 metres, which equates to 100 flags, double-sided though, so that's 200 triangles altogether. Quite easy of course, and it didn’t take too long to run up. So, this is what 24 metres of bunting looks like ........

and the next picture shows a small section of it hanging up around my kitchen ........

I’ve been a bit restricted actually during my week off due in part to the fact that my sewing machine packed up on me right at the beginning of the week - tragedy!!!!! So it had to go for a few days to the sewing machine doctor!! And secondly, because I’ve had this young lady to stay for the weekend ......

.... my aunt and uncle’s Bichon Frise, whose name is Rosie, and Rosie enjoys sitting very close to you a lot of the time, making it a little difficult to sew – still, she’s such a little sweetie and has a lovely nature.

Must dash now as my brother and SIL are coming to tea tonight, so I’d better start moving myself and get something prepared for later!!

Thursday 8 July 2010


I had a present waiting for me when I got home from work yesterday (Wednesday) – from Deb all the way from the other side of the world in New Zealand. I love, love, love the colours of the fabric and shall be using this on my worktable, perhaps as a mat for my sewing machine – that way I’ll get a lot of use out of it.

Thanks Deb – I really love it.

Deb also sent me some lovely smellies – Citrus and Lavender Body Scrub and Lavender bath soap – they smell reallllllllllllly nice!!

..... does ‘Body Scrub’ scrub away calories I wonder – get rid of the chocolate I ate today perhaps??!!!!! I shall have a soak in the bath tomorrow night I think and scrub away the stress of the working week – I’ve had 3 very late nights at work this week, so am shattered.

Roll on the weekend!!!!!!