
Tuesday 26 April 2011

Easter Bunny!

I didn’t quite manage to finish my latest project in time for Easter, but here she is anyway – better late than never! Introducing, Bunty, my Easter bunny

Look at those big eyes and those long droopy ears – isn’t she sweet? The pretty floral dress fabric is some that I had in a fabric sale from the USA and have wanted to use for a while now, and her big pink nose is made from a little bit of my wool stash – some I bought from the NEC last year from the Festival of Quilts. I think this is the first bit of the wool I’ve used (been saving it up for I don’t know what!).

I’ve decided not to put my Easter bits away just yet, as it would be a shame to shunt Bunty off into drawer so soon, so I’ll leave her out for another week .... or two maybe.

Well, I have an extra day off work today (yippee!!), but I must get on, as I have to go and buy paint for the new front door I shall be having fitted next weekend.

Saturday 23 April 2011

Easter Time

This is the first sewing I've managed to do in weeks and it's a pot of Easter bunnies of course - what else could it be!!!

..... and here they are amongst my little Easter/Spring display - the chocolate rabbits and cross-stitch pillow are what I made last year

like my resin rabbit chappie - rather cute I thought?

Happy Easter to everyone - not too many chocolate eggs now - I won't be partaking this year, as I MUST, MUST stick to my diet. Ask me on Monday though!!!!

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Pre-Raphaelite Exhibition

I had a couple of days off work last week and treated myself to a day out to visit an exhibition with my friend Pam (you know, the one who was 60 recently – remember? Shhhhhh – I didn’t say a word!!!!). It was the ‘Poetry of Drawing: Pre-Raphaelite’ Exhibition at the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery. I’ve always loved this period of art and design ever since I studied William Morris for ‘A’ Level at school.

The exhibition includes works by the original brotherhood members, Rossetti, Millais, Holman-Hunt and John Ruskin and also the 2nd generation of Pre-Raphaelites, Edward Burne-Jones and Simeon Solomon.

‘Proserpine’ (an ancient Roman Goddess apparently) by Rosetti has to be one of my favourites – I suppose it’s her hair that does it – it’s so beautiful.

I wasn’t really familiar with Simeon Solomon, so it was good to see several of his works there – this is one of them called ‘Bacchus’.

Much of Simeon Solomon’s work was said to have been an attempt to explore his own homosexual identity, which is quite apparent from much of his work on show at the exhibition.

And while we were at the Art Gallery, we also popped in to the ‘Staffordshire Hoard’ Exhibition and it was fascinating to see just how intricate the work was from Anglo Saxon times. This is an example of some Gold decorated with a Latin inscription, but there's lot more besides to see

The Exhibition was free to go into too, so it’s well worth a visit if you’re in the area.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

No blog problems!

Perhaps I shouldn't speak too soon, but I do seem to have sorted my little blog problems out at last. I even think it looks better than before now - I've managed to change my blog title back to black and have even changed the whole thing to a new (and rather cool!!) font ......... I just need something new to blog about now, instead of my blog problems!! Sorry, I will stop going on and on about it now - promise!!

If I get time tomorrow, I'll tell you a little bit about my visit to the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery last week.

Monday 18 April 2011

WELL ...

...... perhaps you can ignore that last post; I don't know what I did, but I've sort of managed to get my blog back - what you see is the new background I had from Twin Creek Primitives, but at least I've got my bits and pieces back so to speak!! I don't know how I lost it all in the first place ..... and I don't know how I've retrieved it - work that one out!!!!!!!!!!!

What's still not right though is my blog title (Bilberry Grove) in the header - the text was black before and now you can only see half of it - anyone any ideas, as there doesn't seem to be a way to change the font colour.

What on earth have I done

.... to this blog?!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday, I was attempting to change my blog background to one offered by 'Twin Creek Primitives' blog ........ BIG mistake!!!! Having changed the background, I decided I didn't like it after all, but I have now lost everything from my original blog. My 'favourite blogs' list, my favourite shops, my header picture and even the 'Design' page that allows you to add pictures and all the other things we like to add ..... I can't believe it. Anyone else had a similar problem, as I seem to be stuck with exactly what you now see - that will teach me for messing around I suppose. I can see me having to start all over again from scratch!!!!!!

Saturday 16 April 2011

Another bit of cross-stitch!

As I’ve got 5 minutes to spare while I wait to hear whether I’ve won the lottery tonight!!!!!!!!!, I thought I’d do a quick post. There’s been very little sewing going on around here lately, but I did finish another cross-stitch scissor/needlecase a couple of weeks ago which was a present for my niece (adopted niece anyway). It matches the pincushion I made for her for Christmas using the ‘little bird’ pattern Patti very kindly shared with me. And in keeping with the heart theme in the pattern, I bought a pair of ‘love’ scissors from Kelmscott Designs ........ I thought they were rather sweet! And just because I can, I finished it off with one of my new ‘handmade’ labels – what a show-off eh?!! Apart from the fact work has been very busy lately, I’ve been taking advantage of the lovely weather we’ve had this weekend and last, and have been outside sprucing up my garden fences, by re-painting them ..... it’s good exercise too!! And there’s plenty more to do tomorrow – oh joy!!!