
Saturday 31 December 2011

More lovely Christmas pressies!!

Just look at this beautiful redwork embroidery Christmas picture I received from Deb (The Angel and the Pukeko blog). Isn't it beautiful, so much detail and hard work has gone into it - I love it. I plan on getting a nice frame for it eventually, as it deserves to be displayed properly, so that's a task for me in the New Year!

Deb also sent me these rag doll patterns, which I shall keep for another day - I do like them and would love to tackle them one of the days

............ and I also had this cute little 'Dolly Bird' fridge magnet. There was also a very appropriate (for Deb) 'Pukeko' shopping bag, but I forgot to photograph that and it's in the car now as I used it today when I went shopping.

Thanks Deb, I love them all and really appreciate the work you've put into the lovely embroidery.

Anyway folks, this may well be my penultimate blog post, as I shall soon be signing off from blogging - certainly for the time being anyway (Wendy, I will email you soon!) ......... priority's change and life just simply gets in the way at times, but I will explain more in another post. So for now I shall simply say a great big
'HAPPY NEW YEAR' to all my bloggy friends.

Thursday 22 December 2011

Christmas time!

If only you could get a whiff of this picture ........... you would smell the most wonderful smell – Caramel Apple to be precise!!

This is just part of my Christmas package from my lovely, lovely friend Wendy (Quiet Room blog). The little lady above is described as a ‘Prim Wax Dipped Angel’ and she smells just gorgeous. And that’s exactly what she is – a little rag doll angel who has been dipped in wax (the whole thing)! I’ve never seen one before – quite amazing!! She has a lovely little red dress on and curled wire for her hair. As yet, she is still in the plastic bag – the smell is that strong, I don’t need to take her out of it yet.

And as well as my little angel, Wendy has made these beautiful wool cones – they’re so sweet look at the little Christmas mouse, and the Ginger.

Then there’s one with one of those grubby candles that light up (as demonstrated) .......... and then there’s some candy canes and a bundle of cinnamon sticks. They’re really lovely aren’t they?

And as if that lot isn’t enough, Wendy has also been cross-stitching and look at this beautiful Christmas pillow – I feel another "Gorgeous" coming on here!! But I can’t think of another adjective to describe it, so here goes – it’s blooming GORGEOUS!!

Thank you so much Wendy – they’re wonderful and I love them all.

I suppose while I’m at it I may as well show you what I sent to Wendy a couple of weeks ago. I stuck with wool, as that is Wendy’s favourite. First of all, I made a woolly Christmas pudding pin cushion, perched on an old wooden bobbin (made myself one too actually). I used red glass beads for the berries and added a couple of ceramic Christmas buttons, which can either stay attached, or could be snipped off for use if wanted.

Secondly I made this snowman wall hanging – Wendy loves snowmen, and I really enjoyed making it and was pleased with the outcome, as was Wendy I believe.

Anyway, that’s it for now this side of Christmas, so I wish everyone a


Thursday 10 November 2011

Random Thoughts

Well, it's been a while, but I finally have something to show - my 'Random Thoughts' cross-stitch! It's only been over 18 months since I last worked on it - February 2010, that was when I set myself the challenge of having it finished by the summer (of 2010) .............. didn't make that then!!! And the only reason I've managed to finish it now is because I've recently been away from work for a prolonged period following surgery and cross-stitch was something I could manage while I was sitting at home healing.

Following is a photograph of the original pattern, which is by the Drawn Thread Company.

You can see that I have tinkered with the pattern a bit, chiefly by changing the verse in the centre. It wasn't that I didn't like the set verse, but once I started working on it again recently, I knew that the verse would have to be something dedicated to my wonderful brother Colin. It's been just over a year now since he was killed when he was knocked off his bicycle and I still find it so difficult to come to terms with the fact that I can't talk to him or see him anymore - I suppose time will help, but it's not working yet!!

Anyway, this is the verse I put in instead, which is a section of a poem that was read out at Colin's funeral.

I hadn't planned to do this, but this is a picture of my lovely brother doing what he was passionate about - cycling (taken in France a few years ago). I love and miss you very much Colin xxxxxxx

Saturday 24 September 2011


I just came across a great Giveaway on Janet’s blog. It’s for a chance to win this great looking book called ‘Patchwork-Play Quilts’ by Lynn Roddy Brown. The book shows you how to use up some of your scrap fabric to make fabulous looking quilts. It’s certainly appealing to me, as using up some of my HUGE hoard is what I’m going to attempt to do once I’ve completed my current project (a cross-stitch sampler).

So, if you want to be in with a chance of winning the book (which is autographed), then pop over to Janet’s blog and leave a comment. The Giveaway closes on Monday 26th September.

Sunday 4 September 2011

Angel Doll

Having been out of action the last few weeks following admission into hospital for some BIG surgery, which leaves me feeling incredibly tender right now, I have little sewing to show, so (and as I’m not sleeping terribly well because of the surgery), I thought I could show you what I sent to Deb in New Zealand recently for her birthday ...... albeit a very belated birthday pressie (Deb’s birthday was in July!!!).

Anyway, Deb had sent me one of those lovely Tone Finnangar ‘Tilda’ books for my birthday in May and I got the impression (hope I was right!), that Deb rather liked the angel dolls in the book, so being unable to think of anything else to make for her, I set about making this little lady

I love the way you make the flip flop sandals – so easy and yet so effective.

The thing that really surprised me however, was how big the doll came out. Whenever I’ve looked at these dolls, I had assumed they were about the size of a ‘Barbie’ doll, but, No, they’re quite a bit bigger that that!!

Anyway, I’d better not sit at this compute for too long in case I seize up!!

Take care all

Thursday 11 August 2011

TILDA rag doll

Look familiar?? It’s been well over 2 years since I made my first ‘Tilda’ doll for Katarina for an Easter Swap present (Easter 2009). Little was I to know at the time that ‘Tilda’ would be so popular, because I ended up making about 6 more (to order) ….. and could have made about another 10 if I had given in to the requests I received. Flattered as I was, because they took soooooooo long to make, I decided I wouldn’t make any more – they were stopping me from making other things I really wanted to make. However, somehow earlier in the year Nancy (Promises to Keep blog) managed to twist my arm and persuaded me to make one for her .............. so I decided that while I was making one doll (for Nancy), I may as well make two and that way, I would have a an extra one.

The question now is whether there is still anyone out there interested in buying a ‘Tilda’ rag doll, because this is the ‘spare’ that I intend to sell. All of the others I’ve made have been on the pretty side, but I was always struck by the tomboy images of Tilda and so that’s the way I’ve gone with this one ….. still quite pretty, but in a Tomboyish kind of way …. don’t you just love her brown boots??!!! She has a red blouse and matching red socks and a pair of dungarees made from a lovely chocolate brown floral stripe fabric (including a front pocket)! Her lovely long plaits are made from a deep red wool and she has a pretty red bow in her hair.

This is definitely the very last ‘Tilda’ I shall make (apart from Nancy’s, which is half made), because I really want to get back to working on a patchwork quilt that I haven’t touched for well over a year and I really want to get it finished ……… and then there’s another I want to make after that!! LOL A gluten for punishment, that’s me!!!

So, if there are any interested ‘Tilda’ fans out there, the price in UK sterling is £50, plus the cost of posting and packing, which will obviously be higher the further she has to travel. You can contact me by email or by leaving a comment on this post.

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Rosie May and one other!

So, here are 2 of the 4 rag dolls I’ve been working on lately ............. very definately the last ones I shall be making for a good while to come - time now to get some work done on my half-made patchwork quilt!

Doll number 1 ........... the first one (with no name) is made to order for a friend (for her to give to her friend’s daughter at least - I think anyway), which is why I haven’t named her. I’m rather pleased with the doll and think she looks quite cute and not too quirky, but this is where the pressure comes in – I always worry about whether the customer is going to happy ......... oh, the anguish!!! LOL

She has a pretty peachy colour dress with a scalloped hem and a white Broderie Anglaise dress underneath – she even has some white cotton knickers on look – apologies for such a rude display!!

Her big green eyes are painted and varnished with acrylics and the other features are embroidered. Brown wool for the hair, which is tied up in 2 big bunches with lovely coordinating chiffon type ribbon. And her shoes and socks are also painted and varnished with acrylics, but with added lace detail around the top of the socks, plus a tiny button at the side of the shoes – all rather cute I think – don’t you agree? I love those little thin legs!!!

Doll number 2 ........ who does have a name – Rosie May! She has the same facial and hair details and the same detail for the shoes and socks etc. Rosie is wearing a pretty pink dress with green coordinating trousers made from some Nancy Halvorsen fabrics (from her ‘Garden Song’ range I think), which I had in my stash and which I think is so pretty – I love the pink floral in particular.

Rosie is carrying a basket of pink rosebuds – hence her name I suppose!! And she has a lovely big pink coordinating bow in her hair.

I will probably be selling Rosie May if anyone likes her – contact me to discuss if interested.

Next time, I shall be able to show another one of the dolls I’ve been working on ........ she’s one of those ‘Tilda’ dolls that I originally made a couple of years ago and seemed to be quite popular at the time.

Until next time ...........

Sunday 24 July 2011

A Woolly Carrot!

Just a little quickie today. I've been abscent a while again because I've been busy trying to complete 4, yes 4 rag dolls ........ and I'm really sick of them by now I can tell you!!! 2 of them are to order, which always makes me feel under pressure, worrying whether they will be good enough. Anyway, that's not what I'm showing today - next time hopefully!! As a bit of light relief from doll makiing, I made up the lovely woolly carrot pincushion that Wendy sent to me recently for my birthday.

It was lovely and easy to make up and looks (almost) good enough to eat!!

Thursday 30 June 2011

More birthday treats!!

Well, it’s been a while since I posted. Life generally, health worries/problems (now alleviated more or less) and all-round lack of enthusiasm being to blame!!

But now I am prompted to post after receiving my belated birthday gifts from my lovely, lovely, super, clever friend, Wendy (aka the Queen of the ebay ‘wins’!!) – check out her blog for full explanations!!

Anyway, as I said to Wendy in a thank you email last night, I think she knows me better than I know me, because this is what she sent to me:-

First off, a red heart paper weight and wooden heart, which now decorate my lounge and kitchen

Secondly ..... get ready for envy!! Don’t you just love this chocolate polka dot mug/pin cushion – how cute is that, with its ‘Just Another Button Company’ pins? I love the rose pins, they’re so pretty.

Thirdly, this gorgeous ‘Just Another Button Company’ Carrot pincushion kit, which includes both their buttons AND pins. I am a huge fan of ‘Just Another Button Company’ and had been eyeing up their new line of pincushions, so this is right up my street ....... I’m really looking forward to making this up, and again, as I said to Wendy, I think I even understand the instructions!!!

Fourthly!! Look at this beautiful basket of cross-stitch pincushions (or possibly drawer liners) there's 11 of them altogether. Wendy wasn’t sure what to call them, as they came up smaller than she thought they would, but whatever they are, they’re gorgeous – she has put a lot of work into them, which I appreciate as a cross-stitcher myself (sometimes anyway). I may fill the basket with something like rosehips or cones maybe and then put the pincushions on top – something to tinker with anyway!!

And finally, here is everything together ........... who’s a lucky girl then eh?? Yes, it's ME

Already said privately, but now publicly, thank you so very much Wendy for my lovely, lovely pressies – they really did cheer me up when cheering up was needed!!