
Monday 16 January 2012

Bye .............. for now at least!

I see comments from lots of other bloggers about the need for taking a break from blogging ..... and for varying reasons. Blogging can become a bit addictive for some of us (there are worse addictions of course) and I definitely think that I was an addict! Since my second divorce (about 5 years ago) I’d been content to spend a lot of my spare time on my own enjoying my sewing .... then add to that, the discovery of blogging (blogs about sewing) oh joy – I was hooked, and every spare minute was spent either blogging or sewing!! Lately though, over the last year or so, since the sudden death of my wonderful brother, Colin, my priorities have changed – I’ve re-evaluated so to speak, and to some degree I’ve lost a bit of interest in my crafting. I now prefer to spend more of my spare time with family and friends, which I’m sure is a healthier and more sociable option to sitting in by myself. SO, this post is just to let you know that I won’t be blogging, at least for now – whether I come back to it another day, well we’ll see.

Anyway, talking about healthier options (which I was), part of my new routine will definitely include more walking (with family/friends), particularly as my best achievement over the last year or so is my weight loss – very proud of myself I am too (as I believe my brother would have been too) – I’ve lost 5½ stone (that’s 77lbs if you’re in the USA) – a shocking amount I know, but I feel so much better for it, and not to sound too big-headed, ........... OK, so I am being big-headed, I look a lot better too. And just to show off about it, here’s a current photograph of me (enjoying a cuppa) ............. which is soooooooo much better than this one taken about 18 months ago at the Festival of Quilts at the NEC.

Now if you happen to be a reader of the ‘Slimming World’ magazine, do keep an eye out, because my Slimming World leader has asked me to submit my success story – she thinks I stand a chance of having my story published. I haven’t submitted anything yet though, so it won’t be for a while – I have to write it yet!!

On the sewing front, I’m not giving it up altogether. As and when I have a spare hour or two, I shall work on this patchwork quilt I started over 2 years ago, but haven’t touched for about 18 months ........ I aim to finish it hopefully this year – well that gives me plenty of time doesn’t it as it’s only the 16th January!!!

So bloggy friends, I thank everyone who has followed my blog, and for all of the friendships that have been made as a result of it. Thank you all for sharing your sewing and your lives, and for the inspiration that I’ve gained. I hope that some of you will keep in touch with me and write. I would welcome contact through emails, and do hope I hear from you. It has been a brilliant and fun experience, and it is hard to believe the 3½ years that have gone by since I started it.

Take care everyone and who knows, I may come back to blogging one of the days!!

Lots of love


  1. Sob, sob, sob. You will be dearly missed Julia but as i have told you I will be till keeping in touch and annoying you. My goodness, I didn't realise your total weight loss, thats phenomena... (you know what I mean)fan.blinkin.tastic. You have every right to feel pleased with yourself and show off. I sure as heck would be. Enjoy your time with family and friends, it is so important to do and I think you have made the right decision. We do get tied up with blogging and sometimes we forget the important things in life. Be happy and take care, will be in touch xxxx

  2. Hi Julia: I will miss you - it was your Blog that got me into all of this and I have so enjoyed follwing you - back when you were blogging lots. I know you were/are a big fan of Vero at Born to Quilt - just like me - I think that was how I found you after you posted pictures from the FOQ in 2010. Your weight loss is amazing and encouraging to those of us who struggle (like myself)! Well done. Friends and family are so very important - and when you loose someone close, like your brother, it does change the way we look at life. Take care of yourself, stay well and happy - and thanks for the inspiration and the on-line blogging friendship. And Good Luck! Goodbye for now x

  3. You will be missed, dear Julia.

    “Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it.”-- Buddha

  4. Hi Julia x It seems you have achieved a lot, gone through a lot and are really embracing life x You go girl! x enjoy x you will be missed x

  5. Julia, I commented on your first blog post and now I am commenting on your last (wish it wasn't your last post though.) Thank you for sharing an updated photo - you look fantastic! Congratulations on such a significant weight loss. I am glad that you are spending more time with people rather than shutting yourself away with your machine! I wish you all the best for the future. I will miss you. x

  6. Oh, Julia, I have so enjoyed your blog. I think you're so much fun and such a nice person. I will miss you so much and will check for updates at some point in the future.

    I am so saddened to learn of your loss. I am sure your brother would be so very proud of you. You look amazing. You are an inspiration to me, not only on the crafting front, but I also hope to lose as much weight as you did. I know it's really tough but you did it, good for you! I will keep an eye out for Slimming World from here in the U.S.!!! I would love to read your story! Good luck!!!

    Enjoy your life to the fullest, and I hope to hear from you again.

    au revior for now

    Sheri x x

  7. Hi Julia!
    The first thing I would like to tell you is that you look amazing!!! Really good!!! I am sorry you want to stop blogging althoogh I completely understand your reasons but perhaps you could post somethong fromtime to time just when you feel like it, without any pressure?????
    I would like to see the pregress in that quilt, it looks so nice!!
    Anyway , enjoy your time , your friends and family and I hope you are happy
    Big hugs

  8. Hello my friend,
    ... my beautiful skinny friend :)
    I completely understand your decision and fully support you , family and friends matter soooo much. Now is the time to love and cherish them :) Blogging and sewing are fun but are not as important in the bigger picture :)
    Take care of yourself ( your skinny self ...hahaha) and love your family :)
    I'll keep pestering you with e-mails ;)
    Love and hugs Wendy xox

  9. Hi Julie, I too undertand how blogging can become an addiction and at that time of your life you probaly needed it. Things/priorities change and that is life.
    Well done on the weight loss, you look fantastic and have done amazing!! Hubs has just lost his first stone in 2 weeks with slimming world-seems a great programme to follow, but I have to be so organised with meals:(
    Take care of yourself and enjoy this next stage in life:)

  10. Have a great break Julia, and enjoy your new book! You look very happy in your photo and I reckon you deserve to be. Good luck with all you do! x Cathy

  11. Hello Julia, I wish you all the very best and am sorry for the loss of your brother. Loss, illness and sad events do make us look differently at our lives and make us realise how short life really is. I had closed my blog a while ago and did restart it last year. I have gone through a very sad time coming to terms with never knowing my biological parents ( I am adopted), through this time my hobbies (patchwork and embroidery) have given me some diversion. My blog has given me contact with wonderful caring fellow bloggers. I hope everything goes well for you Julia, and congratulations on your weight loss, that is fantastic! Kindest regards, Ann

  12. You look absolutely fabulous Julia. I definitely know what you're talking about. Wishing you all the best and hope to "see" you around :)
