
Thursday 20 December 2012

Christmas pressies:0)

Just a quick little post to show you the contents of a lovely surprise package from my lovely friend, Wendy. Now because Mr ‘stupid’ Postman had left the package on the doorstep (!!!) on a rainy (a very rainy) day, the package was rather soggy, so because of that I felt obliged to open the package – that’s my excuse anyway and here we have a lovely little snowman head tree ornament, a sweet little prim gingerbread man, a Mason jar ‘banana nut bread’ candle ........ and a couple of choccies which lasted for about 10 seconds after the photograph was taken – delicious!! I even love the gorgeous Prim tissue paper they were all wrapped up in!!

Thank you so much Wendy – I love them all.


  1. Lovely gifts Julia. I bet the candle smells delicious! x

  2. We all love surprise packages!
    Happy Christmas Julia, and may 2013 bring all things good into your life. xx so lovely to see you blogging again!

  3. Great gifts, enjoy and Merry Christmas

  4. Such fantastic pressies! Well done, Wendy and good for you, Julia!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  5. Hey again!
    Sooo glad you liked your surprise :)
    Just wanted you to know I was thinking of you.
    Have a wonderful Christmas
    Love Wendy x x
