
Friday 14 December 2012

Christmas stitching

I think my motivation for sewing has started to return to some degree, although finding the time for it is a bigger problem now ......... apart from working full-time, I now also have to keep a much closer eye on my 85-year old dad who has the early stages of vascular dementia poor thing. He’s still just about okay with day to day routine things, but anything outside of that causes great confusion, so as his sole carer, increasingly my time is taken up keeping a watchful eye on him! 

That said, the Christmas/winter bug has caught me recently and I’ve managed to complete two relatively quick projects. First of all I made this quirky looking ‘Prim’ ish snowman carrying his skis


I have to confess to the idea for this having been ‘nicked’ from somewhere I simply don’t remember now. I saw something similar, probably on a website or blog at least a couple of years ago and saved the picture – goodness knows where though!! He’s rather cute anyway don’t you think? 

And then secondly, I’ve completed a small cross-stitch pincushion. This wasn’t ‘nicked’ thankfully, it’s a freebie from ‘The Drawn Thread’ and it’s called ‘Four fat Friends’ – also rather sweet and didn’t take too long to finish.


Oh yes, I nearly forgot – not on a sewing theme, but homemade all the same is my Pear & Fig Chutney – very nice with a bit of cheese, yum!!

I now have an itch to have a go at crocheting some squares with a view to making a blanket ........ I’ve bought some wool so watch this space.
Wishing everyone a very Happy Christmas!


  1. HI Julia, love the prim snowman, very cute. Pear and fig chutney, sounds yummy 2 of my favorites.

    Take good care of Dad and have a Merry Christmas.

  2. Hi Julia, glad you are still getting crafting done-cute snowman!
    Chutney sounds yummy too. Have a good weekend,

  3. Hiya Julia, good to see you are scratching the itch so to speak. Love your little Prim snowman, he is so cute and so is your cushion.
    Well done on the chutney too. Yes we just never know when the urge will over take us do we and its nice not to feel pressurized.

  4. Of course I remember you Julia!!! Lovely that you have blogged again. More please!!! I am sorry to hear about your Dad, it must be very worrying for you. You still have that magic touch when it comes to stitching, and the chutney sounds pretty good too. Have a lovely Christmas and take care. x

  5. Hi there!
    How did I miss this post??? :)
    Can't believe I almost 'missed' your gorgeous Snowman , and that Chutney is making my tum rumble ... lol!
    Take care of Dad, but most importantly remember to take care of yourself too ;)
    Love ya, Wendy x x
