
Saturday 31 January 2009


.... from Canada! A little while ago I tracked down a magazine for Pat (no blog) in Canada. It was the ‘Magic Patch’ magazine, which she then subscribed to through a British company. Pat was actually after the ‘Born to Quilt’ issue, but that was so popular last summer, it had completely sold out. I did photocopy a pattern she liked though from my own copy of the magazine and sent it over to her, which I know she was pleased with, and then today when I got home, there was a little package waiting for me! Pat sent me a craft magazine at the time by way of thanks, so this is an extra - aren't I the lucky one? Now we all know, don’t we, how nice it is to find a package waiting for us, but it’s 10 times better still when you’re not expecting one! And this is what was inside:-

3 lovely wool snowmen ornaments (I love the colours) – these will definitely adorn my Christmas tree next year!

and a very nice ‘Valentine’ bookmark. Thank you Pat for your generosity.

Now, I’d like a bit of sympathy please. I’ve spent the last week away from work – “that sounds good” I hear you say – wrong! I won’t go into detail, but I’ve had a really nasty virus, sickness etc. (the ‘etc.’ is where I won’t go into detail if you know what I mean!!). Boy, did I feel rough at the beginning of the week. Now I know I’m ill when:

1. I stay in bed all day, which was all of Monday and a big part of Tuesday; and
2. I can’t eat!! Which I couldn’t

Still, I’m over it now thank goodness and there’s always an upside to things isn’t there – I lost 7 1bs in 3 days and I can’t remember the last time I managed such a quick weight loss. Anyway, I’m gonna try and keep it off and lose a bit more besides, well a lot more actually (“ha, that old chestnut” I hear you say!!). Well I can try.

But do you know the really annoying thing about having been off all week is that I didn’t pick a needle up until Friday – I couldn’t even raise any interest in my sewing – what a waste! So all I’ve achieved in the last week was to nearly finish the first block of my ‘Sheep in the Willow’ BOM – I still have a bit a grass to embroider at the bottom so that the sheep isn’t floating in the air! I’ve been today and bought some backing for my 2nd quilt, so that’s my next task, basting, quilting etc. (oooh, I’m suddenly feeling all funny again!!!!)

.......... til next time then.

Wednesday 28 January 2009

Annie Giveaway!

I really love rag dolls and have a go at making my own from time to time, bit none are as cute as this charmer.
'Annie' is the prize in De's giveaway, so pop over to her blog to be in with a chance of winning this sweet little girl.

Sunday 25 January 2009

Easter Swap

I've just signed up for my first swap - Julie at 'Bush Baby Jag' is hosting an Easter swap .......... so, hop (excuse the pun!) over to Julie's blog and join in the fun!

Friday 23 January 2009

Quilt No. 2 - next stage!

Well, I can’t believe that I’ve got so far so fast – am I pleased with myself or what?!! That’s the inner panel complete and now I just have to decide what borders to add. I love the colours, and I loved the simplicity of making it – must remember that for future attempts! I know many of you ladies get on this quickly all the time, but for me, I think it’s the comparison between how long my first quilt took next to how quickly I’ve got on with this one. And you know, I really do put it down, in large part, to the inspiration constantly on offer through blogging. I know that I spend far too much time at my computer blogging (I often sit here thinking to myself "I could actually be downstairs sewing instead"), but on balance I still think I've accomplished far more just from the sheer desire to 'show off' to anyone who wants to look at what I do!

Anyway, it's not quite a full double bed size quilt, so I’m thinking I might keep it in the lounge for those cold winter nights to help keep me warm – we’ll see!

Bye now!

Monday 19 January 2009

Quilt No. 2

Well, I’ve finally made a start on my 2nd quilt .... and boy, what a difference! My first one (see earlier post), for various reasons, took me about 18 months to complete: –

• Firstly, I was a complete novice

• Secondly, I discovered after I’d started that I had chosen quite a complicated pattern; and

• Thirdly - being terrified of it!!

This time I have opted for a much easier pattern, and, as a result, have finished the first 3 blocks in no time at all. The idea came from a lovely quilt I saw on Lisa’s blog over at ‘Candle Lite Quilter’ (hope she doesn’t mind!!). I loved the warm colours she used as much as anything and I’ve tried to use similar colours, although I've used a good splash of a mustardy kind of colour too. Lisa has used a pattern called ‘Sassy 16’, although I still can’t work out where the ‘16’ is from as each block is made up of 8 pieces, maybe it’s because one block faces one way and the next one, the other way – no matter, I love it anyway!! At this rate, I’ll soon have the quilt top finished, although I’m not sure yet whether I’ve got enough for the borders as well, and in any case, I haven’t decided yet how big it’s going to be!

.... ‘til next time

Friday 16 January 2009

Jo's 'Giveaway!

Jo (Home Sweet Home) is hosting her ‘100th Post Giveaway’. To be in the draw you need to tell Jo what 3 crafty things you simply can't live without. You will also need to post a photo of your favourite things on your blog to let everyone know about her ‘Giveaway’. So here goes:-

1. Well, I suppose my sewing machine is an obvious one;

2. My rotary cutter – what a great invention; and finally

3. I don’t think this is cheating – the reason for a picture of my computer is because so many of the craft blogs I've come across since I joined have really been a great source of inspiration, and inspiration is definitely a must to get you sewing!

Sorry the photos are a bit dark - they were taken at night under electric light!

Good luck to anyone who enters, although I do hope it's me who wins!! LOL

Sunday 11 January 2009

Lucy Goose ...........

........ and her Plum Pudding!! OK, I know you’ve probably all done with Christmas for another year, but I just had to show you my Christmas Goose. I did start her before Christmas, but the festive season, together with a good dose of lethargy got in the way and I’ve only just finished her. I enjoyed making her and the body was relatively easy to put together, although I had a hell of a game trying to work out how to make her dress though. In the end, I made the body of the dress separately, then I sewed the wings, with the sleeves on them round her back and that seems to have worked well enough. The plum pudding was easy and fun to make – the berries are some lovely matt glass beads that I’ve had for years (knew they would come in useful eventually!!) A shame, but I suppose I shall have to put her away until next Christmas now!!

Thursday 1 January 2009

Happy 2009!!

Well, I think I need to shake myself up a bit now in the New Year, as I’ve been rather idle over the holiday season! Even though the mind has been willing, the body has been very lethargic with regard to sewing. I have done a bit of hand quilting on a Christmas panel, but haven’t finished it yet – it should hopefully be ready for Christmas 2009!!! And I did make a start on a new rag doll; well, it’s a rag goose actually, but the neck was too long, so I shall have to have another go at it soon. Will show if and when I succeed with it. I can’t go anywhere today as I’m on call for work. I work in the law courts and emergency applications and breaches of orders have to be dealt with over holiday periods as and when they arise – what fun eh!! Still, the money is very welcome when I get it and that’s the only reason I volunteer for it – not because I love my work so much!! I don’t mind my job though actually, it could be worse.

Anyway, as I’ve no sewing pictures to show, I thought I would show you the view outside the front of my little house this morning – very cold, but very pretty. It’s remained below freezing even during the daytime, so we’ve seen in a very wintry New Year, whilst our friends ‘down under’ have seen in a very hot New Year - watched it on the BBC news last night. Does your TV down under show our frosty New Year on your news on the other side of the globe? Just wondered!

Looking forward to many new friendships through blogging in 2009.

Love and best wishes