
Tuesday 19 October 2010

Autumn Annie Winner!!

Apologies for keeping you waiting – that's just in case you were waiting with baited breath!! But I’ve been at work all day, so it’s had to wait until this evening.

I don’t know how that ‘Random Number Generator’ thingy works, so I used the old-fashioned ‘name out of a hat’ method – well, name out of a bath anyway – close!!!

Anyway ladies, Autumn Annie’s new home is going to be with ........................................

Roberta in Georgia, USA – congratulations Roberta.

Roberta, I need an email address for you so that I can contact you personally for address details etc - my email address can be found on my Profile.

Thanks to everyone who entered my Giveaway – it’s been fun!

Sunday 10 October 2010

Rag Doll Giveaway!

On the grounds that many bloggers host a Giveaway to celebrate their 100th blog post, I’m a tad late with this, as this one will make my 111th post (all the one’s!!!).

Anyway, this is ‘Autumn Annie’, wearing a red check dress topped with a star spangled apron and holding her little twiggy heart garland. I love making rag dolls, so I suppose my Giveaway had to be in keeping with that. If you would like to be in with a chance of winning my ‘Autumn Annie, these are the rules (much the same as many others):-

• You will receive one entry by leaving a comment on this post;

• Become a follower, or if you are already one, you’ll have another entry - let me know that you have become a follower please;

• and if you post on your blog about my giveaway you will receive a third entry.

There, that’s all there is to it!! Oh, except to tell you that the Giveaway will close at midnight (GMT) on Monday 18th October 2010. And one other thing, it is open to anyone – worldwide!!

Saturday 25 September 2010

(New) Bag Lady!!

OK, so there was something else I was working on while I was away from work recently, but I hadn’t finished it, and I didn’t know whether it would turn out as I wanted it to. Now I know this is going to sound very big-headed, BUT, I have to admit to being quite proud of my new bag. It’s actually a rucksack and is made from my favourite fabric of the moment – Blackbird Design’s ‘Harvest Home’. I plan to use it for work (so long as it’ll take the strain) instead of having to carry 2 or 3 bags, plus an umbrella when it’s wet!!! Mind you, I’ll probably end up knocking people flying with it knowing me every time I turn round!!!

Here’s the front with an appliquéd front flap

........... a little zip pocket under the flap .... and get this cute little zipper with the scissors charm. I only discovered it very recently (maybe I’m behind the times), but I just had to have one for my bag! It came from Belen of Simply Patchwork. If you want to look at them (there are a few other different charms), pick up the link from her name and from there, take the link to her store.

This is the side – there's a large deep pocket each side for carrying a book, umbrella etc.

The back!

And this is a view of an alternative way I can carry it instead of on my back, as I can take the strap from the back and attach it to the clips on the sides ....... had to stand on a chair in front of the bathroom mirror to take this one!!! which is why it’s a bit dark – so apologies for that. My neighbours would probably have thought I’d lost the plot (be careful of what you say now!!!!) if I’d popped round to ask if they would take a photo of me holding my new bag ...... they’d have likely patted me on my head and sent me on my way!!!!!

Anyway, I hope you agree that it has turned out well – there’s nothing like blowing your own trumpet is there?!!!

Saturday 18 September 2010

Born to Quilt Gus Pincushion

This is Gus the snowman pincushion – isn’t he cute?!! He was designed by Veronique of Born to Quilt and I bought the kit from Veronique at the NEC Festival of Quilts last month. The next picture shows a picture of the pattern front and I think you have to admit that my version is pretty close to the original, though his hat is a different colour.

Making Gus last night was a reward to myself for having finally finished this beach hut themed cushion for my lovely cousin, Pauline.

I love Pauline dearly, but I did not enjoy making the cushion. Originally, I was trying to make up my own design, but after 2 failed attempts, Pauline made a suggestion and showed me a picture of a cushion she had seen in a magazine and liked, so in the end I worked with that ..... even then, I struggled to find the right fabrics –ooooh, I really didn’t enjoy making it – have you guessed??!!! Now if I tell you that this is a present for lovely cousin’s 60th birthday, and then tell you that she will be 62 in November, you may just begin to see how bad the struggle was. Still it’s done now – I just need to get it into the post – or maybe I might deliver it personally – that would be a nice weekend wouldn’t it and it’s only about 1¾ hours from where I live – I think I might just do that!!

Till next time!

Saturday 11 September 2010

Devon Jollies and a finish!

I can now show you something I finished a couple of weeks ago (and gave a sneak peak of a little while ago) now that I know Deb has received her gift. It’s a bit of a cheek to call it her birthday present really, as this was for her 50th birthday in July, so it was a tad late – however, I think she has forgiven me and I think it brightened her day a little, as it arrived in the middle of the terrible earthquake they've had in New Zealand a week ago ... and are still suffering the aftershocks of!!! Anyway, I did a bit of cross-stitch and made a needle case and matching pinkeep ........

I have to admit being pleased with them, as I love the colours!

I’ve just come back from a short 'jolly' in South Devon, having had the opportunity to stay in the holiday home of an acquaintance. Although heavy rain was forecast, the sun shone practically the whole time and it was warm. These are the views from the back of the cottage:

......... need I say more!! The view was beautiful and very peaceful and I did have the opportunity to sit & sew for a while, but didn’t complete anything, as it was only a short stay and one or two trips were a must, including one to the beach in order to have fish & chips by the seaside – and if Wendy is reading this, that was the only slip from my diet – HONEST – it was a premeditated slip though!!!

Sunday 5 September 2010

Cross-stitch Challenge

Niky of Niky’s Creations has an interesting challenge on her blog, although it is now closed to new enquiries! Niky offered to send you a copy of her new pattern - this one here

The challenge was then to make the stitched project into something of your own choice – anything you like. This is how I made mine up ..........

Photographs of what you have made (incorporating the design) then had to be submitted to Niky by 6th September (tomorrow) and then on the 10th September, Niky will choose her favourite and the winner will receive something nice …….!!!

Saturday 21 August 2010

Festival of Quilts ... and a lovely day out!

Get your comfy slippers on girls, cuz this is a bit of a loooonnnggg one!!!!!!!!

I went to the Festival of Quilts at the NEC in Birmingham yesterday and came home thoroughly exhausted!! But what a great day. I met my hero (well, heroine I should say), Veronique from ‘Born to Quilt’ in France. Veronique is such a lovely warm, friendly person – I almost felt like a teeny bopper again meeting my favourite pop star .... how old!!! LOL. Anyway the first picture is of moi (impressed by my french eh!!) and Veronique – she looks great – but please forgive how awful I look. I said to Wendy last night in an email, that I re-joined Slimming World a couple of weeks ago, but crickey, there’s nothing like seeing a photograph of yourself to see how others see you:0( ........ Still, if I will insist on standing next to a very slim, attractive, french blonde lady, then I only have myself to blame don't I? Ha!!I must be getting older though, because years ago, there’s no way I would have displayed myself in this public way – love me or leave me though!!!!

By the way, Veronique's mystery quilt, which was hanging at the back of her stall, is much, much lovelier close up than seeing it in a book - fantastique ....... see french again!!!!!

I made several purchases from the ‘Born to Quilt’ stall, as it was simply the best one there! And these are they .......

... Veronique’s ‘Mystery Quilt’ book, which she signed, some beautiful wool fabric, and a really cute little snowman kit. I wish now that I had bought some of her lovely fat quarters, but I'd run out of money by then - I love her palette of blues, browns and red/pinks - lots of florals and checks - but maybe next time!!

.... and here’s the inside of the book signed!!!

Now whilst I’m name dropping – which I am!! I also met Lynette Anderson. I bought one of her patterns having bravely confessed to her that I have never actually got around to stitching any of her patterns, but she was still nice to me nonetheless and agreed to have a piccie taken with me – please ignore me again – sorry!!!

I bought lots of other lovely goodies too – naughty I hear you say, but nice .... and much better than a cream cake!!! LOL.

..... the latest issue of ‘Inspirations’ magazine, some Valdani threads, one of Lynette's patterns, a ball of wool (I’m thinking maybe rag doll hair here!), a gorgeous pineapple quilt pattern, a few fat quarters and one or three other things!!

Now if you look at Wendy’s blog (Wendy went on Thursday), she spoke to a lady on the journey home who had also been to the festival and hadn’t bought a thing ....... WELL, I had the same experience while waiting for the free shuttle bus to carry my weary legs back to the train station!! I chatted to a couple of ladies sitting on a bench, and they hadn’t bought anything!!! I had to compose myself before they saw the total look of, jaw dropping, surprise on my face (“what you’ve been there all day and not bought a sausage – is there something wrong with you????!!!!!”) I didn’t actually say this, but it’s what I was thinking – I think they must have been aliens from another planet!!!

Now, on to the exhibition itself, not too many though, as it’s never the same as actually being there is it? I have to show you this ‘Dear Jane’ replica though:-

.. it was perfect in every way - all stitched and quilted by hand over a 3-year period. I only know this because I happened to bump into the lady herself at Lynette Anderson’s stall – very precious indeed.

.... and I just loved the colours in this ‘Pineapple Plus’ Quilt – so much so, I bought the pattern – see above!!

... and this was the winner of the exhibition – flipping amazing it was!! If you look closely at the detailed pictures, you can see the fabulous 3-D effect of the flowers .... beautiful and a worthy winner.

Well ladies, if you’ve managed to get this far, thank you!

Tell me I'm daft, but I went to bed last night dreaming of exactly what it would be like to live in a little French village just down the road from ‘Born to Quilt’ !!!!!!!!!!!!!! .............. a poor existance probably, as I'd never have any money te he!!

Gosh, I think must be my longest post EVER!! LOL

Monday 9 August 2010

Sneaky peak!!

Just a quick peek at what I’m working on at the moment, as I’ve managed to get started on a new small cross-stitch project. There’s not much to see yet, and I can’t show you a picture of the pattern, as there isn’t one – I’m sort of making it up as I go along using some of my favourite colours ..... wish me luck!!

Sunday 1 August 2010

Handmade by me .....

........ OK, and with a little bit of help from mother nature!!!

This is my first ever vegetable harvest. The carrots are meant to be short and stubby, just in case you thought they look a bit dumpy, but I think the onions are NOT meant to be this small - picked 'em too soon I suppose, but no matter, they'll still taste nice hopefully!

Gonna have the carrots later maybe with a bit of chicken - nice!

... followed by my single solitary strawberry - I'll have to make it up with a ton of ice cream!!!! The strawberries didn't fare so well this year - I wonder why .....

No matter!

Saturday 24 July 2010

A Giveaway!!

Sue from ‘Quilt Times’ is having a super giveaway in order to get us all started early on our Christmas stitching. The prize is this lovely book called ‘Christmas Quilts from Hopscotch’

So ‘hop’ (get it!!!) on over to ‘Quilt Times’ to be in with a chance of winning it!!

Saturday 17 July 2010


Well, I have achieved a little bit of sewing this week while I’ve been off work on leave, but not the sort I prefer to do! I had a small commission from a lady at work! The lady in question has a friend who is holding a garden party later in the month and wanted some fabric bunting to hang up around the garden. I’ve made 24 metres, which equates to 100 flags, double-sided though, so that's 200 triangles altogether. Quite easy of course, and it didn’t take too long to run up. So, this is what 24 metres of bunting looks like ........

and the next picture shows a small section of it hanging up around my kitchen ........

I’ve been a bit restricted actually during my week off due in part to the fact that my sewing machine packed up on me right at the beginning of the week - tragedy!!!!! So it had to go for a few days to the sewing machine doctor!! And secondly, because I’ve had this young lady to stay for the weekend ......

.... my aunt and uncle’s Bichon Frise, whose name is Rosie, and Rosie enjoys sitting very close to you a lot of the time, making it a little difficult to sew – still, she’s such a little sweetie and has a lovely nature.

Must dash now as my brother and SIL are coming to tea tonight, so I’d better start moving myself and get something prepared for later!!