
Sunday 30 May 2010

Apple Charlotte!

My latest ‘Annie’ is named after the traditional old English pudding; ‘Apple Charlotte’. The initial inspiration though came after I purchased the lovely rosy pink fabric of her apron (a Nancy Halvorsen fabric called Cider Mill Road), which has apples on it. My Nana’s name was Charlotte, so, add the two together – and you get ‘Apple Charlotte’!! And the apple fabric goes really well with the green check fabric – something I’ve had for a while and knew I would find a use for eventually! The red hair, admittedly, it a little brighter than I would have liked, but it’s sometimes difficult finding wool in the right shade.

Her very own apple is made from some raw silk that I’ve had for ages and just happens to match the apron fabric perfectly and has a beautiful shine to it. The leaves are made from wool felt and it’s finished with a piece of cinnamon stick. And, oh yes, I added some cinnamon oil to the stuffing inside the apple, so it smells just like apple pie –yum!!

Apple Charlotte measures approximately 20 inches from top to toe!

Quite cute I think!!

Wednesday 26 May 2010

What I love about special BIG birthdays ......

........ is that they last for weeks – not just one day!!

It’s nearly 3 weeks since I attained the grand old age of 50 and yet this week I’ve received 4 birthday cards and today my third present – what fun!! This is the package of pressies I received today from my lovely friend Wendy:

A very pretty bag in reds and greens (Wendy’s first bag by all accounts, but I don’t know whether I believe her – LOL). It has a lovely bobble fringe around it .... and I love the way the handle comes together – tied together at the top! Next, is a lovely pin cushion – I love the fabric! A selection of co-ordinating fabrics, some Perle cottons and a sweet wooden sign – I think Wendy is saying that I’m simple or something like that, which isn’t far from the truth!! Thank you Wendy very much for your generosity - I love them all!!

Monday 17 May 2010

Late Spring!!

I forgot to show these last week!!

Although I don't appear to have been doing much sewing lately, I had made a couple of things for Wendy, for her birthday, but couldn't show them as I only sent them last week!! It was Wendy's birthday way back on 29th February, so it was WELL late - but not my fault entirely, as I had been waiting for some decorated pins that I had ordered from America to add to the pin cushion, but after 7 weeks of waiting, I cancelled them and instead had a go at making them myself. And they turned out not too bad, although perhaps a bit bigger than the real thing. So, although slightly out of season by now, this is what I sent to Wendy. The pincushion (with deorated pins) and the chocolate bunnies were made by 'moi' and the rest were bought!!

Sunday 9 May 2010

I’ve just realised how long it’s been since I posted about anything I’ve made, so it’s good to be doing so now! Not that I haven’t been stitching! I have made a couple of things for my friend Wendy (finished them ages ago actually), but I’ve been waiting for a tiny little decoration that I had ordered from America ......... I have been waiting, and waiting, and waiting – but no joy yet, so I’ve now asked the shop to cancel the order and I shall be posting Wendy’s (very belated) birthday present off this week. After that, I will be able to show those too!!

Anyway, this is what I’ve just finished – a little ted. He’s based on my Strawberry Bear pattern, only with BIG feet, which I love and a big cute nose too. I haven’t given him a name yet – anyone got any ideas? He’s about 5 inches sitting and about 9 inches at full stretch.

See you next time!

Friday 7 May 2010

A lovely day!

Well, I had a lovely, lovely day yesterday celebrating my birthday ........ OK, my 50th birthday!!! As I told you in yesterday’s post, I went off to my favourite fabric shop and had probably only been in the shop about 5 minutes before I had been conned, sorry, persuaded into buying a jelly roll; to which I added a few fat quarters. I didn’t stay too long though, in case I lost all control. It wasn’t random buying though (well OK, two of the fat quarters were!!). I was after fabric that would match a quilt top that I’m half way through. Rather dimly, when I bought the quilt pattern and fabric, I didn’t check the finished size – I assumed it would be full double-bed size, whereas it is really only a bed-topper size, so I’m going to extend it with extra borders and applique (eventually!) ........ so that is my one and only excuse for buying fabric – do I need one though!!?? Not when it’s your 50th birthday you don’t!!!

Yesterday evening I spent with my family and one of my friends at my brother’s house, where we had a lovely big Chinese takeaway – yum! Followed by the piece de resistance (have I spelt that right!!) ............. a drum roll please for my beautiful birthday cake made by my wonderfully talented and very kind auntie – take a look at this ..............

... and this is a only a small sample of my aunt’s talent. Sugar craft has been her hobby for a long time and she has made many, many wedding and birthday cakes over the years, and each one is to an extremely high standard – a missed business opportunity I think.

Now this is very brave of me I think, because the next one is of ME with the cake, plus my talented aunt, my brother and my friend.

.... now I know they say that photographs add about 10 lb to your weight, but what the heck accounts for the other 40 lb of mine – perhaps it’s to do with my age eh?? Not convinced – no, me neither. Just way too much cake and chocolate .... but you have to agree that it would be churlish of me not to eat my birthday cake – I will share a bit of it though, don’t worry.

I received mostly money and garden vouchers for presents. My big present I’ve already had in April of course – that was my trip to Ireland with my brother and sister-in-law. I also had some lovely willow vegetable planters as I’m attempting to grow a few vegetables this year and I think these wicker planters look so much nicer than plastic tubs, and I can use them again next year, so ‘Green’ too.

And I took this one just before I went to bed last night of some of my birthday cards.

Back to normal now I suppose – excitement over. I’d go and switch the TV on, but there’s nothing but the news about our ‘hung parliament' – when will that ever get sorted!!!!

Till next time!

Thursday 6 May 2010

My second 25th!!!!

................... birthday that is. Well, 50 is such a high number when we’re talking birthdays, which we are, so I prefer to call it my second 25th!! Anyway, one of my birthday cards confirmed that 50 IS the new 40 – and I believe them!!! And as with any 50-year old (or should that read 5-year old) I woke up several times in the night eager to open the cards I had already received. But then again it could just be my 50-year old bladder getting me up several times a night!!! LOL

Well, it’s been a good day so far. NOT going to work was a great start, followed by a lovely mug of coffee in bed whilst I opened my cards, and then the next good bit was browsing through the current issue of ‘Inspirations’ magazine, which came out just in time for my birthday – Thank you!!

I discovered ‘Inspirations’ magazine (by accident) about a year ago or so and each issue really does ‘Inspire’. It only comes out four times a year, but each issue is packed with beautiful projects – mostly long-term projects that will turn into real heirlooms.

Katarina sent me these lovely pressies from Sweden:

A lovely bookmark, a little needlecase, a gorgeous delicate necklace (sorry the photo doesn't show the lovely purple colour) and a really pretty, very soft knitted/crotchet brooch .... and a lovely card – all made (I believe) by Katarina, a very multi-talented YOUNG lady! Thanks again Katarina, I really appreciate them.

At work yesterday, one of the girls had arranged one of these in the office for me:

....... a chocolate fountain with strawberries and marshmallows for dipping – how gorgeous, and a lovely surprise too – I am a chocoholic you know!!! And just to prove it, I also received this ‘Chocoholic’ mug from the same lady

plus flowers, smellies and chocolates from other friends at work. I had money from the whole office to put towards an Ipod – a bit trendy eh for a 50-year old!!

I shall be getting together with my family later tonight for a big Chinese takeaway, followed by birthday cake.

Well ladies, you must excuse me ...... I can resist no longer – I’m off to my favourite fabric shop. Resistance is futile I’m afraid, so why bother trying ....... what else is a GIRL to do on a Special birthday???!!!!

Just remembered – I’d better go and vote too on the way – it’s General Election day here in the UK. Thank you Gordon Brown for holding an Election on my big day – upstaged again!!

Catch you later ...........