Anyway, talking about healthier options (which I was), part of my new routine will definitely include more walking (with family/friends), particularly as my best achievement over the last year or so is my weight loss – very proud of myself I am too (as I believe my brother would have been too) – I’ve lost 5½ stone (that’s 77lbs if you’re in the USA) – a shocking amount I know, but I feel so much better for it, and not to sound too big-headed, ........... OK, so I am being big-headed, I look a lot better too. And just to show off about it, here’s a current photograph of me (enjoying a cuppa) ............. which is soooooooo much better than this one taken about 18 months ago at the Festival of Quilts at the NEC.
Now if you happen to be a reader of the ‘Slimming World’ magazine, do keep an eye out, because my Slimming World leader has asked me to submit my success story – she thinks I stand a chance of having my story published. I haven’t submitted anything yet though, so it won’t be for a while – I have to write it yet!!
On the sewing front, I’m not giving it up altogether. As and when I have a spare hour or two, I shall work on this patchwork quilt I started over 2 years ago, but haven’t touched for about 18 months ........ I aim to finish it hopefully this year – well that gives me plenty of time doesn’t it as it’s only the 16th January!!!
So bloggy friends, I thank everyone who has followed my blog, and for all of the friendships that have been made as a result of it. Thank you all for sharing your sewing and your lives, and for the inspiration that I’ve gained. I hope that some of you will keep in touch with me and write. I would welcome contact through emails, and do hope I hear from you. It has been a brilliant and fun experience, and it is hard to believe the 3½ years that have gone by since I started it.
Take care everyone and who knows, I may come back to blogging one of the days!!
Lots of love