Just thought I’d do a quick post to show everyone the sewing themed pressies I had for Christmas!! And particularly to say thank you to Deb for the lovely wool felt mat she sent me – this is (I think) Deb’s first venture into working with wool felt and, you know, I think she’s got the hang of it very well – thanks so much Deb, it’s lovely.
I also had two books I wanted. ‘Creative Tucks and Textures for Quilts and Embroidery’, which is a book that a friend of mine has. The book was originally published in 2004, but it has some lovely ideas in it. And secondly, a book that I’ve been itching to have for months – ‘William Morris in Applique’. I’m very keen to have a go at something from this book. Appliqué is a technique that I want to learn a lot more about: add to that the fact that I have admired the work of William Morris since I studied him through my craft/design ‘A’ level when I was at school, and it's the perfect combination as far as I’m concerned!!
I hope you all had a good Christmas and received lots of nice stuff too!!