Sunday, 21 December 2008
Thursday, 11 December 2008
Santa & Rudolph
I thought some of my bloggie friends would like to see my twiggy santa and twiggy rudolph Christmas decorations. I first made them about 3 years ago - cute aren't they? And they turned out to be quite poular with friends and colleagues at work too - I think you know when something works don't you? Even my plumber has asked me to make a pair for him and his wife!! How about that eh and I thought it was only us girlies who were into crafty things!!

Sunday, 7 December 2008
"Deck the halls ........."
Monday, 24 November 2008
Just a quikkie!!
And I took a picture of under the stairs (the stairs go off the lounge you see) where I keep my books (I love books and would probably have twice as many if I had more space)!! Also my antique ‘Singer’ is there which I just love to look at from time to time, although I can’t begin to imagine how long it would have taken to make my curtains on that!! And for those keep fit enthusiasts amongst you, you will see this is where I store my little exercise machine, which is as pristine as the day I bought it (do you get what I’m saying here)!!?? I walk past it each and every day and promise that I will ‘one day’, make use of it – my mistaken belief was that if it was left out handily on display, it would encourage me to use it every day – WRONG – I do occasionally go near it though to dust it!!! The photographs amongst the books are of my lovely older brother who graduated to become a maths teacher following a career change in his 30’s and of my eldest nephew who graduated this year in criminology – I’m such a proud auntie and love both of my nephews to bits. And then there’s a lovely old one of my mom and dad when they met in 1953 whilst doing holiday work. Anyway, this was only going to be a quickie post, so that’s the lot for now ..........
PS. Like the music??!!! It's taken me ages and ages to work out how to get it on here - but turn the volume down if you don't like it:0(
Saturday, 22 November 2008
Has anyone ever made inter-lined curtains (which these are)? They feel beautiful and it’s like having quilts at your window, which, believe me, we need here in the UK during winter months. The inter-lining (which is a bit like quilt batting) is locked to the back of the main fabric, with little stitches just catching a thread of the main fabric and then picking up a bit of the inter-lining. Stitches are only needed about every 30cms or so. Then the ordinary lining is attached in the usual way. The difficulty with curtain making is dealing with the sheer size of them in order to keep them smooth and straight for hemming and you end up either working on the floor, or as in my case, across the bed, which still isn’t big enough, and it’s back-breaking work. What you really need for curtain making is a large workroom with a very large table at waist height so that a curtain can be laid out flat to work on.
Now if anyone has taken a closer look and thinks “oh dear, she’s made them too long”, this is a design idea (not mine) – they are meant to be long so that they ‘puddle’ (No, not piddle!!) on the floor. I like the look of them and it also helps as a draught excluder. And at the top, there is a deliberate overhang above the header tape so that when they’re gathered, they form a frill effect, which again I like.
As I said before, I loathed doing them, but it was worth the effort. And now that they’re finished, I can use what little is left of my week off to do the kind of sewing I do enjoy – so that’s where I’m off to now - to soothe my withdrawal symptoms!!

Saturday, 8 November 2008
Bag lady!!

Thursday, 6 November 2008

Tuesday, 4 November 2008
12 Days of Christmas
Thank you to Kathleen in Canada, who was kind enough to send me the magazine containing the pattern in the first place; otherwise I couldn't have done it.
I don't know though why I'm always so naive about how long things take to do. I saw this as a nice easy 'weekend project' - WRONG!! 2 weekends is closer to the mark. Still, I think it's worth it now that's it finished. I bought the lovely wire hanger from the Malvern quilt festival that I went to last Friday - they do seem quite expensive when you consider they are just a bit of wire bent into pretty shapes, but I suppose the makers have a fairly captive market don't they - hey ho!!

Saturday, 1 November 2008
Malvern Autumn Quilt Festival 2008
Here are some of the quilts that were on show:-
..... and here is what I bought.
the next one is a 'Nancy Halvorsen' Christmas panel
the next photograph does not do this piece of trimming any justice - I have no idea where I shall use it yet, but I simply had to buy a piece (and only a small piece, as it was quite pricey!) - maybe to trim a bag??
.... it's only the fabric here that I bought yesterday. The pattern and jelly roll I already had, but when I do get around to starting this quilt, which I fell in love with as soon as I saw it, I want to increase its size by adding extra borders, and the red fabric matches some of the strips in the jelly roll.
.... and lastly and sorry about the fuzzy photograph here, but this is Jackie who owns my favourite fabric shop, ‘White Cottage Country Crafts’. Even after looking at all the other stands at the show, I still ended up going back to theirs and spending the majority of my money there. It’s a lovely shop with friendly, welcoming staff and it’s in a very picturesque location - well worth a visit if you're ever in the area (and the lady at the front of the stall looking at fabric is my good friend Pam).
A good day all round I'd say!!

Friday, 31 October 2008
Thank you Australian Homespun!
Well, you’re not going to be seeing much of me over the next week or so! I’ve now received the 6 back-issues of my favourite craft magazine (all in one go!!!) from the guys at Australian Homespun – your generosity is incredible. I’m sure by the time I get through all of them, many more projects will have been added to my ‘to do’ list, the first one of which is this really sweet ‘Tilda’ ‘Betty and Boo’ kangaroo with her little Joey – how lovely are they?!

Friday, 24 October 2008
Auntie Gwennie!

Saturday, 18 October 2008
It’s here, it’s here!!!
I’ve also received my first part of Primitive Gatherings
‘Sheep in the Willow’ BOM, which I’d been waiting for, so I’m looking forward to giving that a go – doesn’t look too tasking, which is a good thing as I’m so tired – worked overtime this morning, groan!!Anyway, it’s time to go put my feet up with a cuppa and lose myself in my Homespun magazine – see ya later!!

Friday, 17 October 2008
Halloween Giveaway!

Julia :0)
Sunday, 12 October 2008
Sweet smelling

Monday, 6 October 2008
My first quilt!!
Here it is then - my first quilt completed! It's far from perfect, but I'm very pleased with myself nonetheless. If you don't look too closely, you won't spot the mistakes ..... I SAID .... don't look too closely !!lol. It feels so nice and I keep stroking it whenever I walk past it, so does that mean that I'm mad or something??!! I suppose I must be mad, because now, I just can't wait to get started on another - I must be a glutton for punishment, but then aren't we all?